Storm's Oddities & trinkets

Sure. I'm considering to use that color myself now.


Converted to blue:



I have come up with these colors.
@zenzen which kind of red do you have in mind?

Jeez, that's a long list LOL :smiley:

I'll see what I can do, it may not be in version 1.0 - but further updates :slight_smile:

Added color: white and teal.

I got the Papirus list of icons I'm going through. So that's not a problem :slight_smile:

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Oh, wow I have no idea really :sweat_smile: I'm currently using Catppuccin which is very pastel-like, and I'm not sure it will go well with this sort of style. How about the red tone from the Debian logo? Maybe that's too much... But I already like that red in your screenshot anyway, all colors are actually very attractive!

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I don't think pastel fits into this :slight_smile:

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Yeah I agree, let's just leave it with the current red from the screenshot I think that'll do nicely.

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Reach letter "i". With that speed I have the icon sets will be finished in no time.

Reach letter "L". :open_mouth:


Now to letter "o". Which are is huge because a lot of apps starts with "o".

Github is up and running.

XFCE and Deepin is now fully supported!

Budgie DE is now fully supported. @Winged1 you have a lot of different Budgie Distro going on. Up for some testing?

Almost complete. Hopefully tomorrow, then comes the conversion of the icons as well.

I'm DONE! (with the first stage). Now to conversion to different colors.

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Sure , I have Solus, Ultramarine(Fedora Based), and Budgie in Zorin ATM. The installer for Ubuntu 24.04 has bugs so I'm not testing yet. Let me know what and where to find it.

I have a couple applications that don't have icons, but that's expected because they are snap or third party. Spotify, Bluemail

Spotify should be covered if it's flat or .deb. I can add Bluemail a bit later (next update).