Teamviewer 12 in Zorin Core 17.2


Newbie question. I have been distro hopping forever and think that Zorin is the OS for me. I had LMDE 6 / Linux Lite / Zorin 16 running Teamviewer 12.0.259192 (Paid not free) perfectly, but when I went back to Zorin 17.2 it keeps telling me "Not ready. Please check your connection" but my internet connection is fine I am typing this message now. I tried changing the DNS resolver but that doesn't seem to work. Any advice would be welcome, I really want to start weaning myself off Windows 10/11 as I head towards retirement. I don't want or need anything more than Teamviewer 12 does. I am on a small workgroup with Server 2019, Windows 10 & 11.


Hardware Lenovo M73 Mini i5-4690K, 1Tb Crucial SSD, 16Gb RAM,

Hi and welcome to the forums!

So, I personally have no experience using TeamViewer on Linux, but from their website it looks like you need version 15+. Can you double check if this version works best for you? For reference, Zorin OS 17 is based on Ubuntu 22.04.

You might want to take a look at some no-cost alternatives. I only used TeamViewer once to help a work colleague's daughter install Comodo Internet Security which I did remotely using the free version. After that, my mailbox got repeatedly pressed for me to pay for a full licence!

That's the crazy thing, I have a full licence as I use it to connect to customers via Windows 11. It worked in Zorin 16, Mint and Linuxlite. It's something that's changed in 17.0 onwards?

Problem Solved. I installed Anydesk and also had a similar problem. Anyone who wants the answer it is to "Disable Wayland" My Teamviewer 12 is perfectly working now. How to disable Wayland


A few things have changed, but I'm not sure what exactly that would prevent TeamViewer from launching. Which versions of Mint and Lite have you tried?

Something that comes to mind is a new default display server that has been notoriously difficult to work with remote desktop clients. You can try to switch this:

  1. Log out of your account.
  2. Back in the login screen, select your username.
  3. At the lower right corner, click on the gear icon and switch from "Zorin Desktop" to "Zorin Desktop on Xorg".
  4. Proceed to login as usual, and try again.

One other thing that caught my attention from TeamViewer's site is that they offer both 32- and 64-bit versions of the package, so I tried to install them. The 32-bit version of TeamViewer 12 installed fine, but couldn't install the 64-bit version due to missing libraries.
TeamViewer 15 installed fine the first time at 64-bit version.

If your purchase of TeamViewer 12 included these options, try them both:


So this begs the question @staff, when is Zorin Core going to default to xorg/X11 first and Wayland as an option? It doesn't affect me as on my Zorin 17 install I ditched the Zorin desktop and Gnome for Plasma and Enlightenment DE's! :wink:

I mention this in this old post:

Wayland breaks screen-sharing and remote desktop applications

Often, on the forum, many users first question is to check if the user is on Wayland.

This is an example of a Dangerous Default Switch.

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