[Theme] Alien Icon Theme --- RELEASED!


Alien is an icon theme for Gnome, Deepin, XFCE and Budgie DE with over 1000 apps icons. The icon theme comes in 9 colors to choose from. The colors that are available are: Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, White and Yellow.
Get a unique look that make your friends envy on your Linux Desktop.
Made with Inkscape a powerful and free vector application.

Get the whole package for $15 - Download link at the end of this post.

It's possible to request icons that is missing. Just let me know

Tested: Fedora 39 Workstation (Gnome), Zorin 16.3 core/pro/lite, Ubuntu Budgie DE.





Thank you and thanks for participation in testing.

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I downloaded a couple of these, but how do I add them to the system and select them as my icons

  1. Open the file browser and set it to see hidden files.
  2. Make folder called .icons
  3. extract the icon theme (make sure it aren't double in double folder) and put the extracted theme to .icons.
  4. Select the icon theme in Zorin Appearance.

Zorin 16.2
Downloads, Music, Templates and Videos folders don't have their symbols.

Strange... they are added to places directory. Can you please check your files there to see if something is missing.

You are right, that they doesn't turn on in Zorin 16.3 (running in VM), but on machine they are displayed. It must be a bug in Zorin?


I'll see if I can fix it, it coould also be a bug in Inkscape I'm using.

All right. Thanks.

I can see it also appear in the blue version. Back to the drawing board so to speak.

I have a patch ready in a hour. If it goes well.

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I love this icon set. Is there any chance you could make the firefox icon also work with firefox nightly?

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I'll add it.

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Looking good!

I'm missing the indicator for .webp images.


And I'd love to have the .bz2 extension fixed, currently being detected as .tar even though for .xz it works fine:


A while back I created these folder icons for myself, would it be possible to port them to this icon set if I provide the icons? :pleading_face:

Sure I'll take a look at it, shouldn't be a problem.

Found the problem and have fixed the issue. Now to convert it to all the colors before releasing it


Some icons seem to be missing in the gnome-screenshot tool:


I know, most of them are using "action" icons and some uses regular icons. It's sluppyness from the app maker

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