[Theme] Alien Icon Theme --- RELEASED!

I have added a new version of the theme, see if it works.

@zenzen @AhavaLeaf
I'll look into your requests tomorrow, it's getting late and I'm exhausted. :slight_smile:


You've earned it :+1:


Thanks @Storm :purple_heart:

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It is for this reason that on my icon sets, I match the Symbolic Icons to the regular icons rather than letting the symbolic icons look different as most sets do.

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It's working perfectly, @Storm . Thanks a lot :+1:

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I can't find the mime type file for that, sorry :confused:

@zenzen @AhavaLeaf
I have released as you requested, plus a bunch of fixes at github.

Now I can turn to @337harvey requets and also taking a look at a dark in dark version of the Alien icon theme.

But I should really get to bed, but I'm over tired at the moment.


You might check if you have

Aw you're amazing thanks so much @Storm, i just love this iconset.

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Tried that. I can't find it. I even looked through Papirus's mimetypes - which is the largest of all icon sets.

Last night, my github went to the roof.


Always a first for anything :stuck_out_tongue:

By the way, I'm implanting KDE stuff bit by bit - but I don't think we'll have a full blown KDE support at first. In small steps.

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No problem. I'm going to load a KDE distro in VM, so I can get so many icons correct - which means more downloads and more cat food for Findus.

Conversion process:


I'm also going to add a pink version.


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These icons are so good :heart_eyes_cat:

Few issues I got:
(Using on Xfce)

  1. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth icon color
    Both are grey even after they are connected to networks. It will be great if they become white.

  2. Toolbar icons color

    They are all grey which is harder to notice in my theme.

  3. Little home icon in Thunar's side pane

    It's hardly visible when not highlighted.

Can they be fixed? :slightly_smiling_face:

Try install Papirus icon theme also. Then in Alien folder find the index.theme file and open it. The Inherits command change so Papirus is first. See if it helps. Or try set Zorin color theme to Black with white icons then change the icon theme to Alien afterwards.

I may point, the inherent to Zorin black/white icon theme as those are action icons which I didn't touch but getting them from other themes.

I'll check into it, but I suspect the "home" is a symblic icon. Going to investigate.

Papirus icon is already there in my ~/.local/share/icons

Try this.
I'm Going to download XFCE once mnore and run it in VM to fix the issues.

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Version 1.0 is hardly perfect - but it gives me a chance to iron out bugs from feedbacks. Much appriciated.


It fixed the Wi-Fi & Bluetooth icon :heart: