[Theme] GreyStone Icon Theme

GreyStone is an icon theme that goes well with Graphite theme (Dark). The icon theme is available for KDE, Gnome and Budgie DE. XFCE support will be added in the near future. The GreyStone icon theme is in heavy development, so if there's missing some icons don't hesistate to request which icons I should put in.
It's highly recommendable to use it with vinceliuice's Graphite Dark theme which can be downloaded here: Graphite dark kde theme - KDE Store

Request icons/bug report/issues: Issues · SethStormR/GreyStone · GitHub

GreyStone icon theme uses Kora icon theme as foundation and elements of it will be present in the icon theme.

Tested on:
Solus KDE/Gnome/Budgie
Fedora KDE/Gnome/Budgie
Zorin OS 17 Pro/core
Manjaro - KDE




@Ponce-De-Leon it's here, grab it!

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Forgot to add download link, duh!

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I'm exited!

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The diffuculties of this icon theme was not creating it, but hunt down the name of qt and kde apps names as I'm still not familiar with them as I am for Gnome and gtk icons.


So, I use it now and it works well without Problems so far. And it fits really good to the Graphite Theme. And an extra Applause for the thinner lined min/max/close Buttons! I'm happy about Your Choice to take them.

For future Versions You could add Icons for:

  • ClamTk
  • Collision
  • GDebi
  • Psensor
  • Start Programs
  • Synaptic

All added. Will be in the next update.


I have uploaded version 1.1 to github for you to test:

On another note about XCFE. I hate thunar, it uses icons from all over the place and if you switch them to fit then it will look akward on other DE's :frowning:

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You are really a Machine, haha! Wait ... Machine? Now I understand! You are an AI! Hahaha!

My former name on Ubuntuforums was actually "Artificial Intelligence" from 2004 to 2018 then I changed it to "Perfect Storm". :slight_smile:


Okay, to inform You: I use the 1.1 Version and it works. I have with the ClamTk Window a minor Thing with the shown Icons (there are not yet in the same Style):

In Firefox I have at one Place something like this too:

But that are minor Things I think. You don't need to care about that directly I would say. It is something for Future Updates I guess. And You wrote clearly that it is in Development.

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A small update to 1.2 which adds some games icons (games I play).

Version 1.2

Games: (Steam) Stellaris, (Steam) Master of Orion (4)
Games: (Steam) Sins of a Solar Empire 2,
Games: (Steam) Age of Wonders 4, (Steam) The Sinking City
Games: World of Padman,

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Version 1.3 is out via github.

Version 1.3

Added: 100s of new mimetype icons (file icons)

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It might be tricky, because some of these icons are "action" icons which follow i different kind of theme (verlauf und aktualisieren).

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These two fits relatively good; it is not directly the same but in common I don't find them disturbing. With the ''Planer'' Icon it is the same. The green Shield on ''Ausnahmen'' (first Row, 2nd from left) and the Trash Symbol on ''Quarantäne'' (2nd Row, right) are falling more out of this.

I mean, it is nothing what is urgent I think. If You should find a bit Time in the Future to try and play with this, try it if You want. And if it not work or is too tricky let it like it is.

Version 1.4 is out!

Changelog v1.0 ---> v1.4

Games: (Steam) Baldur's Gate 3, (Steam) Frostpunk 1+2,
Games: (Steam) Xcom 1+2, (Steam) Hogwarts Legacy,
Games: (Steam) Marvel's Midnight Suns,
Games: (Steam) Stellaris, (Steam) Master of Orion (4)
Games: (Steam) Sins of a Solar Empire 2,
Games: (Steam) Age of Wonders 4, (Steam) The Sinking City,
Games: World of Padman,

Added: 100s of new mimetype icons

By users Requests:
Added: Clam AV/TK, Collision, Eddy, gdebi,
Added: Psensor, Session-Properties (Startup),
Added: Synaptic, emacs, Deadbeef, Dosbox,
Added: EasyEffect, electron, GZDoom, htop,
Added: Bashtop, konversation, MS Teams,
Added: NotePadQQ, Postman, Stacer, Skype,
Added: webcamoid, Beavernotes, Flatseal, cpu-X,
Added: Kdiskmark, localsend, Strawberry,
Added: Tor Browser, SuperTuxKart, Telegram,
Added: Timeshift, qbitorrent, ventoy, Virtualbox,
Added: zoom, parole, coolercontrol,
... and many more

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That is A LOT of new Stuff!

I have been busy. I'm alos building this new Icon theme:


When You are working on multiple Icon Sets I believe You have been very busy.

This blue Icon Set with this Glass kind of Look fits good to a light Theme.

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Version 1.5 of GreyStone is now available through github.

Version 1.5

Tested: Manjaro - KDE
Games: (Steam) Age of Mythology, Warsow,
Added: More KDE system icons

User requests:
Added: Token, Avahi Zeroconf Browser, qv4l2, Manjaro,
Added: AMD, xterm, uget, intel, Java, QT, QT Creator,
Added: Qtractor, QTAV, QTDbusViewer, QTAssistant,
Added: VideoDownloader, HP (Logo), Dart, cmake, calf,
Added: AppImageLauncher,

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