Time Machine backup to external SSD,

Hi. Under Zorin version 16.0-3 Pro I used an external SSD-disk for system backups (Time Machine). I can't get this to work in 17.1 Pro. The system finds the SSD but I don't get it as a choice for backup.

I get the options; save backup to home folder, Google Drive and network storage.

Has the option to save backup to external disk been removed in Zorin 17.1 Pro?

By "Time Machine", do you mean the preinstalled "Backups" (also known as Déjà Dup Backups)?

Here you can see a drive called PLAYGROUND which is an external hard drive. But you should still be able to access it if you select "Local Folder" and then Choose Folder. This will open a file picker dialog and you can go to Other Locations where, hopefully, you will find your SSD.

Yes! Backups. :grinning: Zorins version of Apples Time Macine feature. :+1:

The SSD disk is only shown here. It doesn't come up on the desktop either. I can format it, but I can't rename it.

Any suggestions on what I can do here?

Sorry that the screenshot is in Norwegian and not English.

Is this the same drive you were using on Zorin OS 16? It looks like it's not formatted, which would explain why it's not showing up anywhere else since the OS cannot actually use it even though it's aware of its existence.

Before you format anything make sure to make backup copies of whatever is in that drive, as the contents will be overwritten. Once you are sure of that, click on the little + icon and create a new partition. Take a look at this post for more details:

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Yes, I saw it! That I had forgotten to format it. I have now done that, and now it works as it should!

Thanks for your help!