Touchscreen double-taps on single tap

Hi. I don't think this quite describes it - my issue is that a single tap registers a double-tap, .e.g. a folder will open instead of just being selected, or a context menu will pop up; and the cursor flickers like there have been multiple taps registered, etc.

Anyway, I think I may have got to the crux of the problem - touchegg. I have two processes running in the background, and stopping one of them brings the touchscreen functionality back to normal; one is a root process, the other (which I stopped) is a user process. Are there normally two processes running alongside each other? This is the default installation that comes with Zorin OS, by the way.

I'm not sure how best to proceed. What would happen if I remove (or at least, disable) touchegg altogether? Presumably that takes away gesture functionality (which I honestly don't care for on a desktop touchscreen, save for flick-to-scroll in a browser). Any pointers are welcome!

A screenshot of what's listed in my system monitor:

P. S. Well this is very odd. Just decided to apply the Firefox fix and rebooted, fully expecting to have to go and stop touchegg from the system monitor to get the touch functionality to work... but, the screen actually worked fine right off the bat, with touchegg running and all. Go figure.
Interestingly, I had enabled xinput2 before, and this is when I noticed the single-tapping issues. Gotta wait and observe I guess. So strange though. :woman_shrugging:

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