Unable to download updates, you do not have permission to install software

Okay I grew up on Ubuntu server/desktop and for some unknown reason I decided to manually update with apt-get update and apt-get upgrade. Now when I try to update through the software centre thing I get the message

Unable to download updates, you do not have permission to install software.

I'm on Zorin OS 15 Ultimate. Will go to 16 pro/grid as well.

Updating from terminal cannot cause Software to give this error- so it is likely a coincidence.
Can you try running the following from terminal:

sudo apt install --reinstall policykit-1-gnome

sudo apt install --reinstall gnome-software


Thanks so much that seems to have fixed it! :slight_smile:

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A post was split to a new topic: Unable to update or install gnome-software Zorin 16 Lite