Unable to install Nvidia drivers. Not able to select from the radio menu

I wouldn't recommend it. Zorin 16 is updated with different editions and you do not want the hassle of trying to sort them all out.

That sounds viable- have any drivers you have tried so far worked?

All O.S.'s, Linux, mac, Windows- lose support in time.

They do lose support but my thinking was that making things work on the last release most likely it will pretty much always work. But this is something that I know I'm wrong about so. It's something stupid and insecure.
I haven't tried any other drivers yet

It makes Logical Sense, doesn't it? Yet, we all sadly wish that statement was true...

The linux kernel, for example, is several Million Lines of Code. It's daunting. I mean, one of my most intense .css files for a theme I made is a paltry 6,000 lines long. :expressionless:

Oh my.
I dabbled in HTML, CSS, Java and all that stuff so I kinda know what you mean

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Back in 1995, when Denis Nadrey screwed up Jurassic Park, Samual L Jackson was asked, how many lines of code are there, in order to find the encryption key that Denis used. And Jackson said in response, 2-million. And thats 1995, I don't wanna know how many lines of code it be today, maybe 10-million adjusted for code inflation IDK lol.

I found this post, its an interesting read about Nvidia retiring their older legacy drivers...

So I decided to try to download and install the driver from the link @FrenchPress provided but I don't have a way to run it?
It's a .run file

Holy! I can't even imagine what it must be like today!

Right click the file and choose "Properties". From there open the Permissions tab.
There should be a Checkbox for "Run as exectuable." Check that to On.
Then close that Properties dialog out and try Double Clicking the file to run it.
If it again asks for permissions, select the option run from the buttons offered (the others are cancel and display, I think).

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Did that but nothing happened. Maybe run it through the terminal somehow?

Yes, you can try that - if it is in your Downloads, you can open terminal then Change Directory to Downloads:

cd ~/Downloads



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It says permission is denied. Going to have to solve this problem tomorrow though. Thank you so much to you and @FrenchPress for the help!

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I think you need to add
before the above command.

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sudo -i



I tried sudo and the same message appeared

I could be wrong, but don't we need bash or perl before this command?

You can put bash but it should work as is... It works for ./configure, after-all.

Just found this:


Will definitely try this tomorrow!

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