Unable to install Zorin onto my Desktop PC

Tried as accordingly.

Thank You,Friend for the support.
Shall be deleting Zorin Linux from the 500GB HDD and install some other linux flavour.

Thank you,once again.

Just a passing comment. I don’t buy Seagate HDD’s any more - they never were really Linux friendly. I had a 300 Gb HDD Seagate - I only bought it having read somewhere that all the major pvr manufacturers were installing them in their boxes. 5 year guarantee - failed not 3 years old. On contacting Warranty - you have to pay postage to send it back to us in Holland, then we ship out “a refurbished drive” - not a new one! I didn’t bother - got replaced by a far superior brand, Samsung - sadly got taken over by … Seagate! I now only use WD internal and Buffalo external drives.

It is too bad we never could figure it out. But yes, you should preserve whatever hair you have left.

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:laughing: :rofl: :sweat_smile:
Well PRESERVED…not a single Hair loss.
Not Frustrated as I was trying with a Flavor of Linux.
My Prime Linux OS which I use is Fedora 32(64-bit) in BTRFS file system.
That too on a DELL INSPIRON Laptop,fully Loaded, fully dedicated. Windows 10 out from that system(Laptop).

I installed the Fedora Linux onto DELL laptop since ver. 29 and is ever UPGRADING…


So long as you enjoy your flavour of Linux, then enjoy! :grin:

You are very much correct about this.Even though Windows 10 and MX-Linux are running without issues,and I tried to install openSUSE linux. Still it seems that there are issues which will crop up later after installing openSUSE.
Zorin OS has a really beautiful system,which just stops installing the OS in faulty hardware.
Is the motherboard faulty or the HDD??? Just can’t recognise.
The problem seems to lie with Gigabyte AMD Radeon RX560 GPU as it seems. Though I could install with “nomodeset” or under “safe graphics” mode ,the desktop looked really UGLY due to 1024x768 resolution settings.

I COULD NEVER EVER CHANGE IT TO 1920x1080 FHD settings that my monitor supports.
Monitor: BenQ GW2283

:weary: :sweat: :rage: :broken_heart: :-1:

I realize that the hardware is a bit different, but I found this article here:

This MAY relate.

When using ‘nomodeset’, the resolution cannot be changed. And without nomodeset, you cannot boot.

That references this ‘solution’ here:

You can install a kernel using Synaptic, dpkg, as .deb file… you do not need to use the Ukuu GUI method.

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In simple terms ,means, I have to install older distribution of Zorin Linux!!!!

In simple terms- That is Not What It Says At All.
I have no idea what made you reach that conclusion.

Well, I am back with a caveat though.
Resolution is okay ,successfully installed in another PC,not on the above as mentioned.
Mate Desktop not fully optimized.
No logout,shutdown links.
Can’t add app. icon to desktop template.

Please try installing all necessary components of Mate Desktop:

sudo apt-get install mate-desktop-core

sudo apt-get install mate-desktop-environment

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Friend, @Aravisian…PROBLEM SOLVED…
It is actually the default Login,where I went into the Gnome 2(Metacity) Desktop manager,that has been enabled by default.
Changing it to Mate Desktop Manager----->>> SUPER EXPERIENCE OF ZORIN.
Hat’s Off Zorin OS!!!

But I hate the “Adwaita” theme of GNOME. My choice and liking.

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A post was split to a new topic: Gkdebconf returning an error status

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