Ungoogled Chromium Browser

I guess the only browser for now that I can install is the ungoogled-chromium_106.0.5249.119-1.1.AppImage ...... and I must say I'm not the least bit impressed .... at least with this version anyway ..... here's what I've found wrong so far .....

  1. No dark theme .... sorry but major no no I need a dark background

  2. Run icon cannot be saved in my taskbar .... have to run app from my
    download folder and it asks if I sure I want to open this app
    every time ....

  3. No way to auto save passwords that I can find ......

  4. Imported Bookmarks are an absolute mess .....

  5. Can't find a way to display bookmarks on a Speed Dial page .....

  6. No Themes except Default and GKT+

I'm going to try finding out how to use Ungoogled Chromium on YouTube and maybe I can find some answers there .....

Or as zenzen said above .... just wait for Zorin 17 and Jammy .... what ever that is .... I know I can put jammy on bread and peanut butter .... but trying it on Zorin 17 ..... I don't know what it will taste like ...... :rofl: :rofl:

Why not download the deb file from Google Chrome's site and install that?

Does the Google Chrome site have the deb file for Ungoogle Chromium browser or is that just the Google Chrome Browser .... which is different than the Ungoogle one .....

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Meant this:


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The package download link itself:


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The one I linked has a newer version.


I edited the newer into the post above.


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OK .... that worked but like the Appimage it asks if I want to open the app and it doesn't appear on my taskbar .... there is no setting in the taskbar to pin it to the bar .....

Wait, so the .deb package is an appimage?

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No .... sorry for the confusion the deb is deb and the appimage has been deleted ..... I just meant that the deb is acting the same way as far as being able to have an icon to open the app on my taskbar .....

Which D.E. are you on? Cinnamon?
You should be able to create a custom launcher, then drag and drop it to the panel in Cinnamon.

In Lite (XFCE), just highlight the browser in the App menu and right click, then choose "Add to panel".

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Yes I'm on Cinnamon .... but now my biggest problem I have is that in my Menu Button I have 4 examples of Ungoogle showing but 3 of them "File is no longer available" .... as I deleted them .... how to get rid of all 4 and start again .....

These are not in my Internet selection of the Main Menu .... I have to search for it using "ung" .....

I want to clean this up and start again ... Thanks

You might check for ungoogled-chromium.desktop files in ~/.local/share/applications and in root /usr/share/applications


Thanks ..... I'll give that a try ..... let you know tomorrow as my mind is boggled with all the YouTube videos I watched and info I've read ..... better to do it with a clear mind ..... :+1: :laughing: :laughing:

If there's one thing that I really like about Ubuntu is the release names :smiley:

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Well I can't seem to find the ungoogled-chromium.desktop files tried you suggestion above and they aren't there .... see photos .....

Not to worry as I've given up on ungoogle as I messed everything up and had to go into the software and update settings & other downloads to unchecked two items after I got the dreaded error message in the terminal about could not release something or other when trying to do ...... sudo apt update .....

I tried to do an install of Brave Browser .... and the terminal wouldn't let me .... deleting those two items allowed me to install Brave which I'm using right now ..... so I'll try out Brave once more .....

But I would still like to remove those ungoogle items in my Main Menu if I can .....

One easy way would be to uncheck their boxes in the Main Menu Menulibre application.

When opening the main menu I get this ..... see photo .... when I click on the item I get this .... I don't see any way to uncheck anything ....

I'm going to restart Zorin and open up to use the Gnome desktop .... I seem to remember that there was a way to delete some items from the main menu there ....

Be right back ....

I mean the application named Main Menu, not the app menu itself.
Try launching it from alt+F2 and typing in


Actually, I prefer Alacarte. You can install with

sudo apt install alacarte

if it is not already installed. Much easier to just see the entry - and untick the box for it.

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Went back to Gnome and also tried XFCE .... did find ungoogle in the Gnome Main Menu and was able to delete it but made no change in Cinnamon .....

Alacarte was already installed but I could find no reference to ungoogle and I checked each item under Applications twice .....