Update to Zorin OS 17.2 Core [Now with official Zorin Announcement]

Ladies and Gentlemen!

I had today an Update for some System Stuff like the Software Updater and other Things. And After that my System now is Zorin 17.2:

Yesterday it wasn't like this.


Noticed the same thing this morning, posted here.

Wie lange verwenden Sie Zorin Os schon?


So far I didn't came, hahaha!

How long ... I started with Zorin 16.2 if I remember right. And started to use it ... December 2022/January 2023 I guess. Maybe I should remember better because it is a big Step, hahaha! But now I'm here.


hol up there's zorin OS 17.2?

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Yes, came with Updates. But You would be able to download the 17.2 ISO's over the Mirror List. I looked in some of these and there are 17.2 ISO's available. When you go the normal Way an click on the Download Button, there is at the Moment still the 17.1-r2 ISO. But this will change in the next Hours or Days I guess.


Update: Now there is a Zorin Announcment:


I saw those extra options in Appearance and I was wondering when did the developers manage to sneak them in? :thinking:

Glad to see more activity in the blog, hope they can keep it up, although I still think that this type of sentence is prone to confusion:

Zorin OS 17.2 is now powered by the same version of the Linux kernel as in the latest Ubuntu 24.04 LTS.

A lot of people, even so-called journalists, have tripped over this one more than once before. I'm not suggesting it's false advertisement but a small re-wording might help to avoid confusion, especially when it comes to downloading packages for certain versions of Ubuntu; there have been a few issues with that too.


I'm not disagreeing with you, I actually agree. However, I think the main reason they've started to use that terminology is to help avoid the situation where someone would go "Oh, it's only on 22.04? That's so out of date, why should we even touch that". Because that's how some people think. However, I think if they just listed and said "Hey, here's what's included with this release (include mesa version and kernel version, etc" that would be better.

Similar to how MX linux has an AHS version that, while still based on something that's using 6.1, they state simply hey, here's what's included in this instead.


Sure, I understand that, but it's still confusing. When Zorin OS 16 was released — it may have been after a minor release update, like just now — it was also announced using this phrasing and shortly after there were people having issues because they were trying to download packages for the wrong version of Ubuntu.

I think it's a small change to switch words around that can help to avoid small frustrations like that. For example, by being a bit more explicit about what version Zorin OS 17 uses in addition to say the it has an up-to-date kernel.


This definitely did happen.

I noticed yesterday that the announcement put bold text on the phrasing. I think there is a point where you also hit the wall of inevitability.
Once you say "Ubuntu 24.04", that is all some people will see regardless of flashing neon signs baring disclaimers all around it.
My experience so far is that the majority of people will read the incidental information. A few will jump the gun - maybe from skim reading... I do not mind the user skimming it and getting the wrong impression: This is easily addressed.

It is the PopLinux article writers that really mess this up. They should know better. This is their career, after all.
They do not just make a skim reading error; They misreport and that directly tells people without doubt information that is wrong.

This being the case, I am more inclined to hold them accountable than to try to encourage the ZorinGroup to hold their hands and help them with their reading comprehension.


Yeah, that's how I recall it and what I would like to avoid this time. It's just that it seems easier to rephrase things a bit than to go after the many blogs and YouTube channels out there. I don't like it any more than probably the developers themselves, but I wanted to at least point it out.


Honestly I think this is just a larger issue with the current state of "journalists" and youtubers more than anything else. I've seen so many errors left right and centre of things that are completely obvious. A lot of the time most of these errors, at least now, are due to most likely them using some form of AI to "recap" a long blog post for them, and to just spit out the most easily and quickly repeated ■■■■. That's why I genuinely don't think I go out looking at random articles anymore, I only go to trusted ones that I know go out of their way to do the work and not cut corners, so I get the most accurate information.

And get ready, because it's only going to get much, much worse.


Many copy and paste articles from other sources word for word without fact-checking or vetting their sources. But.... we are off on a tangent...
@zenzen, why not open a DM/PM to AZorin or zorink and directly post your suggestion?
They, too, recall what happened last time.



I cant find the Zorin 17.2 Core, do i need to do something to get it?


in software updates not show to :frowning:


Is the screen image your own?
I ask because that image says the user is on 17.2 Core.

Take a look at the first screenshot you posted. It says "You're using Zorin OS 17.2 Core." By doing regular software updates, you already moved to 17.2, no extra steps required.

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Yes i realize now that im on 17.2 core, but not show o fastfetch :slight_smile:


My fault guys :smiley: :disguised_face:


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I am using Fastfetch as well. I do not remember if Screenfetch or Neofetch show Point Releases. I suspect they do not - I can confirm that fastfetch does not.

Neofetch does show point releases, but as I recall its developer stopped, so it'll work until it doesn't for some reason.


I still uses neofetch, as long it doesn't become a security risk I don't see why I should shift.