Upgrade Kernel

Is the 5.15 kernel working alright, and is tuxinvader's repo the way to go? I have an hp envy x360 with a 5700u and I cannot have the laptop sleep on the default kernel with Zorin OS 16. If I do, I get a black screen when it tries to wake up.

I only found out about this issue from a reddit thread
AMD Has An Important Suspend/Resume Fix With Linux 5.15 - Phoronix

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With Linux updates something is like a playing in casino. You can win or loose. Every time learning more. Example with new installation i created a manual partition. Why? Because I learning from people here what they put information. If something working wrong always can test something and checked if working on virtual machine. With some idea in Linux scripts this is like " a woman pregnant" - the child is a hard work a people who gived a more happiness people who using Linux.

So I understand we have a new Kernel. Then we need put inside.

I don't know if it will work alright, if you want to test it you can do. ONLY if you don't mind reinstalling if things goes wrong.

Or make a whole disk image backup with Rescuezilla before upgrading a kernel.

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I tried it, resuming from sleep still doesn't work...
And now displaylink doesn't work. I tried reinstalling the displaylink drivers but they don't work on this on kernel.

(Sleep worked just fine in Windows 11, it's not a hardware bug)

I held shift to boot into the normal kernel. I'll see if I can uninstall this since it doesn't seem to help.

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To revert back, reboot into grub and select the zorin kernel. When booted in zorin use the tool called synaptic (download it from the store). That one can delete the kernel. Otherwise you can use the terminal to delete it manually. There is a tutorial for that in the tutorial section.

A shame it did not work for you by the way :frowning:

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Always before installing a new kernel create a backup old (here command) cp -v /boot/config-$(uname -r) .config
This tutorial is ok?

Don't forget.
#make help

#make mrproper

#make menuconfig


#make xconfig

#make menuconfig


#make xconfig


#make modules

#make modules_install

#make install

Marked solution. 7

Very interesting why new kernel not always are best.