USB Errors on startup and network issues during usage when using a Dell D3100 Dock

So, the only things that were plugged into the Dell D3100:

  • An ethernet cable

  • a 64 GB USB stick (for backing up my browser bookmarks)

an Atolla USB 3.0 Hub (which shows as a Genesys Logic Inc. hub in the CLI via lsusb ):

The Atolla hub has a Micro USB power supply attached. plugged into this hub are a webcam, a microphone (Blue Snowball), and an external USB drive (8TB Seagate). The last port is left open to plug a phone into for charging.

The Seagate drive has its own power supply. As the other devices may draw more power than the D3100 may provide across its port(s), the Atolla can be powered by a Micro-USB power adapter. I have such a power adapter plugged into it.

BTW - the D3100 also has its own power supply.

Per the links you provided, I did indeed disconnect everything, and also disconnected the power supply connected to the D3100. Additionally, I unplugged the D3100's power supply from its outlet, and left it that way for about 10 minutes.

Plugged everything back in, and restarted. Issue persisted.

Then, to test - disconnected the Atolla.

shut down, started back up.

NO ERRORS on startup.

Everything worked - no lag with the keyboard and mouse.

Unplugged the power supply to the Atolla, and reconnected it. Issues were back.

Disconnected all peripherals from the Atolla (they were all turned off prior to this, but I figured let's be thorough), and reconnected it back to the D3100. Previously described issues were present.

Left the Atolla disconnected, then powered on the system - no issues. Plugged in the Atolla while the system was up and running - could use the attached peripherals.

So, as a temporary workaround - I figured I'd leave the Atolla disconnected.

Then, a new issue was introduced. It is documented here:

Now when the computer exits from suspend - I now consistently lose my network connection via ethernet and access to my external speakers - both plugged into the D3100. Interestingly, the USB stick which is attached to the D3100 shows up just fine and can be accessed.

In some ways, this is now worse. That said - while they may certainly be related, I consider the suspend a separate issue, hence creating a different thread to troubleshoot it.

That's the story as of today...