USB Errors on startup and network issues during usage when using a Dell D3100 Dock

Sorry for the delay. I went offline for a bit.
Please see this guide here to set your default kernel to the working kernel:

Newer kernels can mean new bugs or new regressions.
The method above will default boot you to the working kernel, but unlike placing an apt mark hold, it will not prevent you from upgrading the kernel or other packages.
So you can safely run all upgrades.
Kernel regressions or bug fixes must be awaited for the next release of the kernel.

This is why it is important to remember that stability is the prime focus, not the latest. Many members join the forum and ask for the latest, latest, latest only because it is new and shiny.
There can be benefits to newer packages or kernels, of course. Including the addition of drivers for new hardware or due to patches and bugfixes. these must be carefully weighed, not assumed. Members with new hardware can get assistance here in installing a kernel that they need based on their hardware, not based on a version number.

To this end; I would consider that kernel issue "solved" simply because it is the only solution: Use the working kernel.