What is wrong with Linux or Windows (viruses)

Sorry, not an English native speaker... :sweat_smile:
I meant to say.
"At least you are back and being the good ol' Bourne again."

Your English is better than mine. I was just being my usual 2 year old self. Although, I’ve seen 2 year olds with much more maturity than me. :crazy_face:

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Kaspersky researchers have discovered a new variant of the UEFI rootkit that has been around since at least 2016. The malware is called CosmicStrand and was found only on computers with Intel H81 chipset motherboards. So far, it is not certain how the hackers could achieve their goals, but the whole thing raises a lot of emotions, because we are not talking about new, but about several-year-old platforms for Intel Haswell chips.

Well. You want sayed we are spying from first windows operating system. Well FBI don't have access to the users iphone information to data collect and this is not windows but unix operating system. Something I missing? Android and Chromebook are also created from a corporation. When it all start colapse to trying a control internet. I remember Obama talking about that.

Actually I am Really Happy :joy:


This comes across like a confession that you will find unwelcome, here.
I have been a white hat hacker and I can tell you readily and swiftly, that Piracy, cracking and malicious software promotion will under no circumstances go over well in a place where Security, Privacy and Stability are paramount.

There is nothing cute, happy or clever about taking advantage of other people, destroying what does not belong to you or accessing data that is not yours.

You may consider this a cold and sharp moderator warning without flexibility.

If at any time a user posts promotion of or endorsement of anti-security behavior, you can find the doors to this forum sealed tightly shut.


If you read that article it states it utilises rootkits. So as I have stated in my unofficial manual for Zorin 15 you should protect yourself by installing and running rkhunter. You could also install chkrootkit too. These have to be run in a terminal. You may get back some false positives after a kernel update as it looks at what the kernel is in use when it runs so might need to be removed and reinstalled after a kernel update. You should also use Clam AV to scan emails. Whilst viruses can't run in Linux as they are dependent on the presence of .exe files (another reason not to use WINE), you wouldn't want to forward a contaminated email to a friend still using Windows.

Well. I have experience with Zorin and it isn't like they wrote on main site. I remember when i testing many things. Example wine or the support app windows where .exe could be working but not working. On Zorin working most software what working on another distributions linux. I am not discovered new America or something else. The one is diffrent and cool the Zorin more shining maybe because using Gnome in apperance.

My work here in the forum is more like a redemption for what I may have done to some people. About promoting (privacy and cracking) I am way past that. Calling yourself a hacker does not always mean I want to Harm someone. Some hackers like helping people too :wink:

Sometimes using your knowladge for good is required :smile:

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I have no intention of this becoming an argument. These are statements of clarity.

Commenting to being happy in response to a note of sadness in people that create malware does not come across as way past it.
Perhaps you might consider adding some context in a later post to what you meant.

I was just commenting to another person how misunderstandings relate closely to how we choose our words and how communicating in English can make word choice tedious.

Using the word "Sometimes" here is odd to me. Using knowledge for "good" is a given.

Just as here, your choice of saying the word "always" implies that "sometimes" you do wish to harm someone.

As said: this is not a debate. These are statements of clarity.
And let it be noted that on this forum:

Using your knowledge for good is required


Calling yourself a hacker includes those in White Hat that Do No Harm and use their knowledge for improving security

Are your statements to abide by here.

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I watching a movie document on the world are many types hackers not only bad hackers exist on the world. The post @anon6471198 i taken like a humoristic irony.

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"In August, Lenovo again got caught installing unwanted and non-removable crapware into part of the BIOS reserved for custom drivers."

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One of these files belongs to Omniture , which is an online marketing and Web analytics company, which is included to track and monitor users' activities and send that data to this online marketing agency.

It links to:

This topic is almost worthy of its own thread.

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@Aravisian I always trying put something interesting. I reading a Lenovo will be more friendly for Windows but not for linux. I reading on future lenovo laptops it will be impossible installing linux.

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