Where is the New User Tutorial? (yes, I have searched!)

I've noticed that there is a New User Tutorial, but I've done a general search plus I've gone through years of posts in the Tutorials & Guides but I can't find it!

Could some kind person provide me with a link? Pretty please! It might be an idea to pin it in the Tutorials & Guides section...

If I've missed an obvious link, I apologise!

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Are you refering to @swarfendor437 's guide?

Might it be this:

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Yes I was looking for a tutorial too, it's mentioned under the badges. You get the "certified" badge if you read the New User Tutorial, but where is it? maybe they have lost it and they will give the badge to the person who finds it :wink:


I don't think my Unofficial Manuals for Zorin 15 and 17 relate to New User Tutorial at all! :rofl: Even I can't find it!


The Badge refers to use of the Forum when a user first joins and sees a few tooltips offer prompts. It is not related to the Zorin Operating System or Software.


Thanks @Storm but, no, I don't think so. As Zordkhan mentions below, it's mentioned in the "Badges" as the New user Tutorial: Certified.

@Aravisian, that doesn't seem to fit the description either, but thanks for replying. Maybe I'm wrong!

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As the @Aravisian said, this refers to the forum itself.

The forum system, which is a third-party application (Discourse), distributes these badges. You probably accessed a page, or performed some action, for the bot to have granted this badge.

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If you're both right, then the name needs to be changed, because it implies there is a tutorial that new users can read! I haven't gained the badge, so I was looking - searching for this tutorial... it's confusing and misleading.

In any case, thanks for the replies.

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If you wish to obtain the badge and have not already, send a DM/PM to the username discobot
In it, paste the content:

start tutorial

You can also send a pm message that says

start advanced tutorial


I agree it's confusing.

To do the tutorial, access the discoboot profile.

And send him a message with this text.

@discobot start tutorial

Or Or this one to do the advanced tutorial.

@discobot start advanced tutorial

Then the bot will interact with you and you will have to perform the tasks it requests to complete the tutorial.

But they are all tasks related to using the forum (not Zorin), such as including pools, spoilers, mentioning other members, etc.


Ok, will do - thanks.

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Wow, I got my badge.

But where is the basic tutorial (Certified) badge? This is not fair.


The Certified badge is gotten from the advanced tutorial.


@macfly you're obviously an over-achiever! Congrats! I'll start mine tomorrow :smile:


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Whas looking for this as well, but for some reason nothing works :sweat_smile:.

Perhaps you need to change language locale? :wink: