Where to ask about another distro, same ubuntu based (20.04.4) as Zorin?. I have sound issues

This propably help you finding correct drivers.

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Hi, my Devuan rig is in pieces (tower not connected to anything that is) as I am trying to get my Amiga 1500 up and running. There is no need for alsa oss, alsa jack packages but you should ironically have the alsa pulse package. The other key elements are all the QAS Packages. Then in /etc you will need root privileges to create a new folder called 'pulse off' and then drag the pulse folder in /etc into the newly created 'pulse off' folder. You need to launch QASmixer and if your sound chip is shown at bottom but unchecked, check it and you should hear a slight pop if it has been successfully detected. In Devuan while I did a fresh install I removed pulse package in Synaptic whilst installing the alsa packages. Can't do that in Zorin without breaking the system.

Hi! I did all of that , thank you for your reply , some little things don't work such as alsatray icon but could replace it with qasmixer (hope this is related to QAS pacakages you mentioned before - i don't know what that is, even though I did a quick search on google) . I also uninstalled Pulseaudio from synaptics.
Anyway, I don't have sound in mozila firefox, checked their help and found this: "pulseaudio is needed to play sound on mozilla" , link is in spanish https://support.mozilla.org/es/kb/solucionar-problemas-comunes-de-audio-y-video

That is the only cons. So far audio is better than before. Since I am avoiding pulse audio. But it seems we mozila users are going to be stuck without it.

Update: sudo apt install pulseaudio. Reboot. Got audio in the browser but check this:
I don't know whether I am using Alsa or pulse now ?

thanks for your help. i am trying to follow swarf's recomendation in order to avoid using pulse audio.

yes it is from 2012 and that is my soundcard

Install apulse for Firefox to work.

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It is showing pulse audio because you reinstalled it. Pulse overrides everything including user choice! :face_vomiting:


will reverse it right now. thank you. I 'll keep you posted.


Regarding Apulse - Firefox : Done it!. I have sound on my browser now!! :smiley: (wonder if I must do the same in Chromium?)
Followed the link "using Alsa...", however instead of " Exec=/usr/bin/apulse firefox %u" I had to set it like this " /usr/bin/apulse firefox %u" and allowed "mark as executable".
Tomorrow I will uninstall alsa oss, alsa jack , should I?

Any thoughts about how to get a volume Icon for pannel? (I installed "volumeicon-alsa" from synaptic, but doesn't show).
Check our previous messages Where to ask about another distro, same ubuntu based (20.04.4) as Zorin?. I have sound issues - #41 by swarfendor437

Thank you so very much.!

Usually, qasmixer volume icon appears, having said that remember I am running KDE Plasma on Devuan. I would put QASmixer as a favourite.

It appears but It isn't permanent.

I have that issue when volume don't exist. I remember i reinstalled and it back on place. You can check also on settings taskbar you can check if you have add volume on taskbar.

Thought this article would be of interest:

Explains OSS, ALSA, PulseAudio, and JACK.

Getting back to volume, have you tried kmix? I can get it to show but not do anything, possible clash with QASMixer.

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thanks for this article, i will take a look right now, i wasn't able before.
Kmix got installed, but doesn't work.
I got many apps installed after selecting all related to "alsa" in synaptics, I would like to remove some since I don't need all of them.

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