Wi-Fi dongle reccomendation

Hi Guys,

not so much a question as recommendation. I have recently switched from windows to Linux, specifically Zorin 17.2 core, I had problems setting up my wi-fi. My original wifi dongle wouldn't work so I tried a couple of different ones. None worked out of the box and each had different problems ( Even after installing hardware specific drivers). Some would only work on 2.4 GHz others would work on 5 Ghz but couldn't detect my phone Wi-Fi hotspot on the channels it uses (36 + 42) and I couldn't change the channels on the phone. Anyway in the end I decided to try one more dongle. Specifically the BrosTrend AC650 which worked perfectly out of the box. It supports 5Ghz and 2.4 GHz and connected without configuration (except for the wi-fi key) to my phone on 5Ghz. I am getting 100Mbs + download and 50mbs upload on my cheap unlimited cellphone data package ( The theoretical max spped of the dongle is 650Mbs but thats not available on 4G cellular). The cost of the dongle on Amazon UK with a 15% discount was £16.99, which I think is good value for money. Anyway, maybe this information will prove useful to someone who is having problems with wi-fi on Linux


For others looking Linux Compatible USB WiFi dongles: see https://www.brostrend.com

I hope this link is not considered as advertising by the Mods, as it is always good to know of wifi dongles that actually work on Linux.

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Nope, it is not considered advertising.


The reason Moderators (Of the human variety) exist is to be able to make a well informed judgment call.
Using the forum as a platform for advertising is not permitted under the Forum Policy.
However, sharing relevant information to help other users find products that they need is permitted.
Affiliation and Intent are large factors.
On a technical level; the share your desktop thread would contain a great deal of advertising if we viewed it in such a strict manner. But we do not... because sharing information about a theme or gnome extension or GnuLinux-friendly product is an act of helpfulness and community.
A company affiliate posting links to their own products for profit all over the web is not a part of that community.

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I can't speak for modern Netgear dongles but the ones that always worked for me were WG111 v.3 and it's predecessor. Only transmits on 2.4 GHz if memory serves me correctly. I did buy a faster black dongle from Netgear, but that needed 32-bit and 64-bit drivers which madvinegar from the old forum kindly wrote.

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My computer has built-in wifi that works fine, but I always keep a couple of the Pi Hut's dongles around as backups. I've never had any issues with them on various linux distros, though they only support 2.4GHz b/g/n.

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Here is a link to the one I'm still using since Sept 2022 still works just fine on Zorin and Mint .....

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