Wifi causing system instability

All laptops TVs using 5ghz without any problem only mac

Hardware :man_shrugging:

But if i talk about hardware , if it was not made for 5 ghz , why and how did it connect it's a mystery and a very old laptop even older then this mac can smoothly connect to 5ghz with out any issue it was running zorin os 15 lite

I have no idea about the older mac or the mac os franchise, Bu it is mostly the hardware that gives the user ability to connect to a particular band of network, You can somehow manage a 5ghz dongle and check if the issue continues.

The network connects, but the user usually faces some problems or simply for ex:- a 300 mbps networks cuts to a 150, which is quiet smooth :man_scientist:

So basically we can connect but the user will face problems

Yes, In most Cases.

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