Will the new firmware update for Zorin have more customizable options?

I just reinstalled KDE via terminal but its not showing the SDDM/GDM Menu...

So you don't get any login screen?

I've installed KDE on Zorin but I want the login screen to be customized to look very different.

So have you got gdm reinstalled? If so does this YouTube tutorial help?

Yes I have gdm reinstalled, but how do I change the login screen to whatever I want?

And make it tap to click instead of hard click?

I already posted a tutorial video link about the login screen. Can you be a bit more specific by what you want to achieve in respect of the login screen?

In regards to tap to click, try the answer given at the bottom of this askubuntu post, but I suspect the end of the terminal command should have = before true.

So in the terminal I put "tap-to-click=true" right?

I want my login screen to look similar to the Windows 7 login screen had looked like back in the early 2010s.

Try the true bit first.

As for the login screen there used to be a theme pack that got banned, even had the Windows 7 splash screen during boot up but can't remember if it included a Widows 7 login screen. It also changed alk the LibreOffice icons for MS Office icons.

I just tried it, it didn't work...

I already have KDE installed but changed the login screen back to the default Zorin one.

I really want to change my login screen to something else as I find the current one I have boring and uninteresting.

Where did you last see that Windows 7 splash screen?

Not the same thing but forgot the dev for FerenOS had made one but no longer available:

This was the other one,I was thinking abiut:


Will tap-to-click work on this?

What I'm really actually looking for is to customize my login screen to whatever the tap-to-click will work on.

I really want to change my current KDE SDDM login screen to whatever tap-to-click will work on.

I thought you had removed SDDM for GDM?

I did but today I switched back to SDDM via the terminal command.

My main focus right now is to change the login screen to have both tap-to-click and a different background.

Seeing how the askubuntu thread I last posted was for gnome you should change back to gdm (gnome desktop manager) and I already posted a YouTube video on how to change the login background.

No sorry, that video didn't help much...

As you are using SDDM, then perhaps this might assist:

a selection of themes here:

Ok but do any of these login themes allow you to tap-to-click and not manually have to press enter?

I think the tap to click solution would require reverting back to the modified Gnome desktop. As for not having to press enter is a non-starter unless you want autologin enabled (no password) as the article discussion I referred to you previously, a machine cannot tell when the last character of a password has been entered so the enter key gives the machine due notice that the full password has been entered, no different from Windows. If you don't have to do this in Windows then it means Redmond knows everything about you.

Actually not even Windows 11 requires you to have to press enter when you correctly enter your password.

So for tap-to-click do I really have to go back to GDM yet again?
How exactly will that help?

That is probably because Redmond is storing your password and recognises it once inputted, just my guess.

You don't have to necessarily go back to GDM but you may need to go back to the Gnome desktop as the solutions posted on AskUbuntu or whatever thread I pointed you to was in respect of the Gnome DE not KDE. It may be that tap-to-click had become deprecated, it may be a Gnome issue, I don't know.

So the spyware that is Windows - when I was installing Windows 10 when I was last at work on Notebooks for peripatetic staff to use I was shocked to learn that when I logged into one I had updated it notified me of all the machines I had at home, their names and location. Unfortunately I am having to install Windows 11 for a family member as they need it for work now that their copy of Windows 8.1 is no longer supported. I have made a note of all the privacy software I can get to block M$! :grin: