Windows App Support missing 32bit dependency

I have the same problem. Can anyone help me?

What steps did you take prior to installing?

If you have only tried from the Software store, please try the following:
Open a terminal with ctrl+alt+t

Enter in

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 && sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

sudo apt install zorin-windows-app-support

Relay any errors, here, please.

Now I'm downloading a new ISO image of Zorin OS
Try to reinstall it


sudo dpkg-configure -a && sudo apt --fix-broken install

What does

sudo apt install zorin-windows-app-support

now yield?

The same as before

How strange.

sudo apt --fix-broken install

sudo apt clean && sudo apt autoremove

sudo dpkg-configure -a

Then try the apt install zorin windows app support again...

No. Seems the first release of Zorin OS 16 can't install windows app support. I have installed it in the first month of release. But updated periodicaly

You mean r1?

Yes. Now it is r4

You currently have r4 installed?

I'm downloading it. Will try it

It doesn't work too

Can you please open Software & Updates from the app menu, or launch it with software-properties-gtk

In the first tab, where it says "Download From" - Are you set to Main server?
If not, please set it to Main Server.
Once you have done so, close it out (Say yes to reload), open a terminal and run

sudo apt update && sudo apt --fix-broken install

and relay that output here.


What is the terminal output for

dpkg --print-foreign-architectures

Well, that makes sense given the "Skipping acquire..." warning (which we can easily fix that, at least)...
Can you go ahead and try:

sudo apt install -y wine-stable wine64 wine32:i386 wine64