By that I meant, it has been PM'd to @AZorin. No response yet.
Thanks everyone for your input on this issue! My apologies for taking so long to get back to you about it.
After some investigation, it appears that the issue stems from a bug in the search function of the Software store (version 3.28) in Zorin OS 15, which sometimes causes inconsistent search results. Different variations of the “Zorin Windows App Support” search query (like “Windows App Support” or “Zorin Windows”) might display the correct result while other variations won’t. This might even vary from session to session (i.e. after closing/killing the Software store and opening it again).
It doesn’t appear to be related to Amazon EKS, which is just a listed app in the Software store.
I’m currently running a pre-production build of Zorin OS 16 (for development) and can confirm that the search function in the newer Software store (version 3.38) is working correctly and is displaying the results much quicker and more reliably. Every variation of the “Zorin Windows App Support” search query displays the correct result at the top of the list, and in every session.
When will zorin os 16 be released?
I am sort of glad it has been traced to a bug in Software Store 3.28, not something we have done to break it, and it will be fixed in Z16.
We just have to be patient and wait for testing and evential rollout of Z16, so when it is released, it will be as solid and easy to use as past versions of ZorinOS I have enjoyed.
Thanks @AZorin for the response, and for the good news about finding/fixing that issue in the next version. Looking forward to that.
I’m still fairly sure that part of the (my, at least) issue is permissions, rather than a bug in the Software store search functionality. The issue goes away when I launch software using sudo gnome-software
on my machine, as do other issues I’m experiencing with permissions, installation, using apps.
I’m going to continue running down the permissions issue on my version (v15 Ultimate) until I get them figured out and fixed, and I’ll post any solutions I can come up with. Thanks again for the response.