Zorin 16.3 pro update to 17 pro

Hi everybody,

I've checked several topics about upgrade from 16 to 17. There was some similar errors as mine, but I couldn't manage to find the error or the packet related.

Here's is the output of the updater error :

[CHECKING] Started
[CHECKING:Validating Upgrade Attempt] Started
[CHECKING:Validating Upgrade Attempt] Completed
[CHECKING:Checking Filesystem] Started
[CHECKING:Checking Filesystem] Completed
[CHECKING:Creating Necessary Files] Started
[CHECKING:Creating Necessary Files] Completed
[CHECKING:Restarting Apt] Started
[CHECKING:Restarting Apt] Completed
[CHECKING:Simulating Flatpak Transaction] Started
[CHECKING:Simulating Flatpak Transaction] Completed
[CHECKING:Processing Apt Repos] Started
[CHECKING:Processing Apt Repos] Completed
[CHECKING:Updating Apt Repos] Started
[CHECKING:Updating Apt Repos] Retrying
[CHECKING:Updating Apt Repos] Retrying
[CHECKING:Updating Apt Repos] Retrying
[CHECKING:Updating Apt Repos] Retrying
[CHECKING:Updating Apt Repos] Retrying
[CHECKING:Updating Apt Repos] Retrying
[CHECKING:Updating Apt Repos] Retrying
[CHECKING:Updating Apt Repos] Retrying
[CHECKING:Updating Apt Repos] Retrying
[CHECKING:Updating Apt Repos] Retrying
[CHECKING:Updating Apt Repos] Fatal Error: { error-repo-download-failed: W:GPG error: https://packages.zorinos.com/premium jammy InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 5FD7496A07D323BC, E:The repository 'https://packages.zorinos.com/premium jammy InRelease' is not signed. }
[CHECKING:Updating Apt Repos] Failed
[CHECKING:Restoring System] Started
[CHECKING:Restoring System] Completed

Is there something I can do about it ?

Thank's, still looking forward to test Zorin 17 !

How's your sourcelist looks like?

It may be that the servers are overloaded as too many attempt to upgrade at the same time... or it may be:

Keep in mind that the post is for Zorin OS 16.3, so you'd have to substitute 'jammy' for 'focal', in addition to substituting 'https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net' for 'http://ppa.launchpad.net'.

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