I created the USB with two different options DD and ISO. After the boot, I've selected to boot from USB and choose Try and Install...
After that, the loading screens begin to run forever and freeze. Anyone could help me to solve that?
Hi and welcome to the Forum.
You say even "Try Zorin" from the installation USB fails to load. yes?
Do you have Windows installed? If so can you open Windows>Settings>Power Options and turn off Fast Start-up setting under "what the power button does".
In BIOS turn off Secure Boot and Fast Start.
I seem to remember someone else with Sony VAIO with problem way back. I will try and search to see if anything there to help.
Did you check the SHA256 checksum of the ZorinOS .iso you downloaded against Zorin published value, to confirm download not corrupted.
Which tool did you use to create your ZorinOS installation USB?
Did You create that with Rufus? If yes: Which Partition Sheme did You used? GPT or MBR? GPT rund better with UEFI BIOS and MBR with Legacy BIOS - that is the Reason why I ask.
Also as you have ZorinOS Pro, you are entitled to support from the Zorin devs, but as there are just the 2 of them, you will have to be patient for a response.
We need you to answer questions to understand what you have done (or not done). Keep posting here and between us we may find a fix for you.