Zorin os 16.3 lite not showing wireless internet and icon, just showing Ethernet

Found nothing useful

I was right the whole time lol I found a vid on YouTube and they did the exact same thing I did

I saw another forum like this and u responded saying to go on panel and all that and add status indicator but I don’t have status indicator

Are you referring to this post in this thread?:

The thread title says Zorin 16.3 Lite, your profile lists Zorin OS Pro.

I’ll link it wait

I’ll change that but here Wifi Icon is not showing on Zorin LITE 16

It’s lite now

There are two available plugins on Zorin 16 Lite;
Status Notifier Plugin and Status Tray Plugin.

I think in that post, I was thinking of the Status Indicator Plugin

When I meant Status Notifier Plugin.

Oh ok


So, I edited my post with the commands above - each command as a whole are in quotations. You can copy / paste if that's easier but grep is used in searching for patterns and requires a little more. Like, "sudo dmesg | grep -i wifi" <-- That's one whole command, which searches the dmesg output for anything related to 'wifi' also using grep -i wifi to show only output messages from dmesg containing "wifi". The -i flag shows strings 'ignoring' case, so capitol or lower-case letters, either one.

Give those commands another shot, should have more information spit out.. Like:

Screenshot from 2024-01-30 20-57-56

Also was wondering about the TPM status as well, Secure Boot will play with that for sure. But, try the commands again :+1:

Ohhh ok that makes sense I thought u were just seperating the lines with this | lol but I’ll try it soon thanks

Yea I fixed it, it was really easy aravisian helped with most of it I just figured out what I had to turn off tho

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The | is a pipe and piping a command is a means of directing a command to another command via a direct connection between the two.
That is where the name "pipe" comes from; if you imagine plumbing pipes connecting to route one source to another source to meet at a final output.

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Ok thanks

I entered the full thing it also did nothing like rfkill list

No worries - if everything is working now that shouldn't need attention :+1:

What I did find on that make / model: https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/c03522674 <-- Just in case you need to identify any hardware. Was expecting to see a BCM wireless chip, but nope - Ralink!

Nothing has changed it’s kinda still the same

This is all I see the exact same thing

When I press edit connections then press the + symbol and select add Wi-Fi this menu comes up but I enter everything and well nothing happens

Was confused - thought you meant WiFi was figured out..

So, this is where the dmesg command would come in - with my last pic post, try entering that command, sudo dmesg | grep -i wifi or, since you're using Ralink - sudo dmesg | grep -i ralink - that way it'll show you just the Ralink status from kernel. Post the output of the command, it may not be loading the driver correctly, or the correct driver.

Also, if there's no output of just rfkill list - try sudo rfkill list, you'll need to enter your password - but that should show something like:

Screenshot from 2024-01-31 17-54-24

It may be soft / hard blocked, which means there's either a blacklist file preventing use from the wireless chip, or there's a physical button / switch for your WiFi, on and off. Sometimes a Fn+F## combo - F1-12 depends on the make / model.

I did the ralink thing and nothing again it just says enter password which I did and then it just shows the green line thing so I can enter another command