You can edit your Grub entry for now, I'm trying to find the post that's better suited for this.
For now though, you can edit your Grub menu to load the previous kernel by:
sudo nano /etc/default/grub
- enter password, then you'll need to scroll down with the arrow keys to:
First few lines of the Grub options - GRUB_DEFAULT=0
Can be set to GRUB_DEFAULT=2
, which will be your 'third' entry from the kernel list from before when selecting kernels, the .87 one. Now, use Ctrl+O to write the new lines, Ctrl+X to close the nano editor. Important step: run sudo update-grub
to make changes take effect.
I'm finding the post on how to do this so you won't have issues when the kernel updates - but this should work for now. The 'grub_default' entry is much like disk numbering, 0=1
, 1=2
, 2=3
, etc.
Found it! - [HOW TO] set an older kernel to default boot