Helloo! I’m sort of brand new to linux, and Zorin OS was the first distro I picked, and have been using it for about 8 months I think? Just recently, when trying to change my Nvidia driver which the update software thing removed, everything went pretty normal until the thing went to restart and it took forever, and then I just shut it off, I went to turn in back on only for it to be stuck on this screen.
I don’t have any idea on why it just gets stuck there and doesn’t boot, is there a way to at least recover my data? I’ve tried a nomodeset grub editing but still wont boot up as it gets stuck looking for a gpu.
I have both I think, but when using the Nvidia drivers I sticked to 535 driver version, and from what I remember, I chose a open-kernel Nvidia driver, don’t remember which one it was, and I don’t think I chose 545.
And my system worked as intended I’m sure, I just don’t know how when trying to apply a Nvidia driver it didn’t restart and got stuck on the logo screen
Could You make a Screenshot of the ''Additional Drivers'' Tab in Software & Updates
? There should stand what Driver You are using.
Before You have applied a new Driver, did You uninstalled the old One?
So I can't screenshot my Additional Drivers tab at all since starting my laptop just goes straight to the booting logo of Zorin, and it stays stuck there.
Secondly, I did remove the old Driver before installing a new one, it was after installing the open-kernel 535 Nvidia driver, it asked me to reinstall, then it took a while for it to do so, and then doesn't boot up Zorin anymore, and gets stuck there.
So, you come to Your GRUB Menu, yes? then Choose the Option ''Advanced Options'' and use there the 6.5 Kernel to start in. Hopefully so you can start Your System again.
Alright, I will try it out as soon I am able to, as at the time I am currently writing this, I'm not at my home so I will try to see if booting with the 6.5 Kernel will work.
So booting into Kernel 6.5 worked, and here's a screenshot of my Additional Drivers tab in Software and Updates.
The one I was using was the proprietary and tested 535 driver, then I switched to the open-Kernel one to apply the Nvidia driver again as it was removed, and now the 6.8 Kernel I think it was called, stopped booting up for me after applying, then restarting.
I've found a solution to my Zorin OS not booting normally, issue is, my Nvidia card isn't shown or applied in as the main GPU.
Is there a simple fix to this? Should I install another driver?
To switch to your Nvidia Card, you can use the Terminal Command sudo prime-select nvidia
and when you want to go back to Intel, type sudo prime-select intel
As an Alternative to that, You could use a Gnome Extension like PRIME Helper to switch between the Graphics. But for Testing this here, maybe the Terminal Usage would be better at this Moment.
For the Driver then You could test it with the first Driver Entry with the ''tested'' in the Brackets what You have chosen on Your last Picture.
I did the prime-select NVIDIA command, and restarted my PC, still shows both graphic as my Mesa intel UHD GPU, and I am not sure how to test fully to see if my NVIDIA GPU card is being used.
Neofetch shows my Nvidia GPU, as shown below,

And I have to install PRIME Helper so I will be doing that quickly after replying with this.
Nvidia card not being picked up in settings

After a while, I still haven't figured anything, still have the Intel UHD set as both, I think I installed Prime helper but don't know how to use it, any help?
Do you have install it from the Gnome Extensions Website or with the Extension Manager? It is available in the Gnome Software Store as a Flatpak:
Don't be irritated by the Language; it is german. Take a Look at the blue Pazzle Piece. I prefer that Program but that is up to you.
The Extension should show up in the Quick Settings that you can reach in the Taskbar:
Alright so thank you, I found out about the extensions app thingy, I also just now installed it and keep getting this error with Prime helper.

The error code, I do no understand.. I don't really dive deep into coding and everything, so just wanting to see if this is something common of sorts or something else.
Hmm ... I don't understand that, too I must say. So, you cannot activate the Extension, yes?
You could try it with the Extension on what it is based: Prime GPU Profile Selector. You can find it with the Extension Manager, too.
Same issue with the Prime GPU selector, only so that it says a TopBarView is already registered or so.

Okay, try the Following: Remove both Extensions, make a Reboot and then install only the PRIME GPU Selector Extension. And be sure that You run Your System in Xorg.
So same issue, different error, but when running the system on Xorg, the issue fixed so It's good to go I say? still I will try to see if I can install PRIME GPU selector.
The error that is shown with the extension.
When it runs in Xorg, it is okay I would say. You can test it for a While and look if all is good.
That the Extensions don't work good ... okay, that is not nice. So, you could remove them and use the Terminal Commands.
I will have to stick to using the terminal for the time being since both extensions don't seem to work for me, in Xorg server too, the Nvidia GPU card seems to show up while running Zorin in Xorg too, but doesn't perform as expected in it.
And for using the terminal, how do I see if my Nvidia card is selected after doing the prime-select command and seeing this?