Zorin os update wifi not working any more

Until yesterday my wifi worked fine and now after update wifi is not working.
Are other people having the same problem after the latest kernel update

Have you used the grub menu item "Advanced Options for Zorin" and run the previous kernel generic version from there?

Just tried doing that and it still shows activation of network connection failed.
So it wasn't just the kernel update that broke wifi.

Hmm :thinking:, OK at least that is one simple thing we can discount.
Can you tell us what wifi or combined wifi/bluetooth card or adapter you have.

Oh. A quick thing you can try. Switch Router OFF, count to 10, Switch Router ON.

So I dual boot and my windows wifi works with no issues so its not a router issue. I also disable secure boot if that was an issue.

Tried both kernels and and no luck

sudo lswh -C network shows
description: Wireless interface
product: Atheros QCNFA765
vendor: Qualcomm

but after a couple minutes
goes to
*- network DISABLED

Please also try disabling "fast startup" (in Windows) and "fast boot" (in BIOS/UEFI, might have a different name) which can prevent WiFi hardware being usable in linux.

Information about these, and other common WiFi troubleshooting tips, can be found in this guide:

If those troubleshooting steps don't get it working, these commands (one after the other) might help:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install linux-firmware
sudo modprobe ath11k

Source: https://www.linux.org/threads/cannot-use-wi-fi-after-attempted-driver-update.49205/

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tried all and no changes. everything is updated no changes.
The last command sudo modprobe ath11k didnt do anything

I think you are on the right track but may need the linux-firmware package:
wget http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-firmware/linux-firmware_1.197_all.deb

Then install with

sudo dpkg -i linux-firmware*.deb

apparently that page doesnt exist wget http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-firmware/linux-firmware_1.197_all.deb

Looking at the main page Index of /ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-firmware/ does not show that firmware anymore or maybe changed the name

Checking around, I am getting a server error on all linux-firmware packages. I also tried .201 and .204 which I know are published to the same result. I wonder if a server is down right now...

You might try one version down:

Ok weirdest thing... now wifi works with no issues. Just had to wait a day? I didnt update drivers but now i logged on to zorin the regular kernel and wifi connected with no issues
