I recently upgraded to Zorin 17.2 from a much older version (12.x). Full install, wiped the drive. I was pleasantly surprised that the OS automatically detected and installed my printer driver (Cannon MFC 656). Today it suddenly deleted my printer. When I tried to "add printer" it said no printers were detected at first. Then it found mine. When I tried to add it, it searched for a while and then said no software could be found. Now it's saying it found a Cannon fax machine -- no sign of the printer. What the heck is going on??
Hi and welcome. First, as with any install of a new GNU/Linux system, Printer drivers aren't there. In the past printers would not automatically be discovered, but what happens now with the latest kernel/s is it recognises your make and model of printer, but if you look closely at the printers properties it states it is 'driverless' (I have covered this in the Unofficial Manual for Zorin 17).
Having recently migrated to a different OS and joining that forum I have discovered that there is a meta (not Facebook!) driver for printers. Install Synaptic Package Manager from Software, launch it (you will need your login password to run as 'root'), search for 'printer-driver-all'. This pulls in all packages concerned with printers, the crucial one being Gutenprint which has all up-to-date drivers.
The other point I make in the unofficial manual is that you should not use Menu | Settings | Printers to install a printer (I learned this from the now defunct PearOS forum). Open a terminal and enter:
sudo system-config-printer
This brings up the same interface as going through settings but ensures the best way to install your printer.
If you have used the sudo command it means your printer settings are unlocked to allow you to add a printer. I have missed this myself in the past as there is usually an 'unlock' button top right of Printers interface. Press this and enter your login password to unlock Printers to add your printer.
Welcome to the Forum!
Did anything changed? Came maybe an Update? Or did You switch the Port for the Printer? Is the Printer connected with Cable or wireless?
I didn't mention in my first post I did unplug the printer and plug it back it right before the OS deleted it, but everything else should have been the same.
Thank you for your very thorough reply! I didn't know they use a meta driver; that's pretty cool actually. And I didn't know I couldn't rely on the GUI to propery install the driver either, so that's good to know!
Over the last couple days I've been booting from an old OS as I had a lot of printing to do. Yesterday I booted Zorin 17 and my printer was magically back (What??) So the issue is "resolved" now but it's still a bit of a mystery as to why it was ever an issue to begin with.
For now I'm leaving it alone, but if it gives me trouble again I'll use take the command-line approach you showed me here. Thank you again!
Your last post about connecting the printer again. If your printer is accessed via the network you should never switch off at the wall socket. If you do, the printer loses it's network settings. I experienced this at my last workplace where an HP Printer was used by students to print from iPads. A colleague had turned off the printer at the socket and not just the printer's off switch. This also happened to me at home when I turned my Canon all-in-one printer off and then off at the socket. So now, only the printer is turned off.