Zorin security question

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: i am up! haha

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Some OS with privacy in mind I found while learning from the free OS world:

Spoiler (click to show)
  • Linux Kodachi


  • Tails


  • Qubes-OS


  • Whonix


I know very little about the subject of privacy or security, although I'm somewhat interested in it. All those that spoke before me in this topic know much more and explained much better than I could possibly try to, with my little knowledge.

Unless you are doing some criminal activity or living in some sort of dictatorship (or dictatorship-like nuance) country, you shouldn't have to worry too much.


That is an impressive collection you have compiled.
Among those I have tested Tails out of curiosity.
The conclusion: Tor browser was painfully slow. I cannot save anything including settings after each session. Not very practical for daily desktop use :crazy_face:


There is also Kali and BlackArch Linux.


I never installed or even used Tor, but I'm familiar with the speed in (public, I think) proxies. So, from that and what I always read, fast/regular browsing is one thrill you won't get in Tor.

Also, if you're not using Tor for Deep Web, you kind of get a red flag in the sites you visit and you can get a lot of attention from the websites you visit, defeating the purpose of using Tor. You're supposed to try and not stand out. Similarly, too many Extras/Extensions/Add-ons in your browsers can also make you stand out, became more "unique", easier to follow, single out from the rest.

For casual web browsing, from what I read, you should try to avoid Chromium based browser, especially Chrome and Edge.

I use Firefox, with a few tweaks, here:


AvoidTheHack is a good site to learn a bit about privacy. It should be enough for anyone concerned with some internet privacy, but make sure you don't get paranoid. :crazy_face:


I know nothing about BlackArch.

But I tried Kali on RaspberryPi long ago.
Are they still using root as a default account in Kali?


I didn't type those because they have a different objective in mind, mostly security and security flaws.

In that respect, I could type Parrot OS


I found more, which are in my bookmarks, but I can't seem to find others like that in particular, mostly aimed at security/threat testing. I have over 40 distros in here, from which I only used Zorin so far. :sweat_smile:


A security OS is, by nature, necessarily private. :wink:

It used to, as you note. The latest versions are much like Zorin - you log into the User account and must elevate to Root.


That sounds more secure :wink:

The version I installed was made for RasPi Zero and it worked at a reasonable speed. But of course, it was not powerful enough to do any bruit-force type of hacking :nerd_face:


I remember years ago, people would get banned on a message board for just bringing up hacking lol. Since then, there have been hacking of every kind going on. Its the world we live in.

Remember that kid in War Games? He was a phone hacker, and he used the techniques of the time, using early period computer systems, to hack companies. He did it just cause it was fun. Now days if you are caught hacking, its not a slap on the wrist, its, your going to jail sucker lol.


Or the movie office space, when they use a virus to steal small pennies from the boss his account. They forgot a digit and it went more :joy::joy::joy:


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