It has been a great run, this past couple of years, helping members explore Zorin, troubleshoot issues and debate the issues and developments in Linux that affect us all.
During my time here, I have often taken on others problems as if they were my own, relentlessly pursuing a solution. It became a bit of a joke about me logging in 80 posts in a thread. I always tried to respond swiftly, even if a solution was not yet known. To ensure that members these past 17 months have felt cared about and supported.
I could not always solve a problem or find a fix. But members were left with a hope that they could turn to the forum in time of need.
In that time, I have helped a great many members adjust to the Linux Terminal Emulator.
The Terminal emulator is the most powerful utility on Linux and the go-to tool for the Helpdesk. While we often used GUI methods and included GUI methods in addition to Terminal Commands in posts, many members were able to solve problems using the terminal quite well.
However, the administrator of the forum has seen fit to suggest to me in a paragraph long chastisement that I am making members feel intimidated by the terminal because One Member Claims he felt I had a “mocking tone” when I said that using the terminal is quite easy.
I think my record stands, however, The Zorin Team does not.
And in this, I have come to realize how stifling I have begun to find the New Forum. The Lively Spirited state we used to enjoy is gone. It has gotten to the point where I log in and check the board for problems with a sigh. The life and enjoyment the board had has been drained away by robotic responses and walking on eggshelIs. And most certainly, I will not be asked to take abuse from an Angry Poster for Artyom Zorins Profit given the time I have spent on the forum helping countless people in volunteer time, and also repeatedly attempting to help that One Angry poster, without thought or concern for myself.
It is time to move on to other projects. I have set aside several as the forum demands increased. I would like to get back to them.
To all of you who have made this a great place, @swarfendor437, @KayDee, @Deeanna, @Carmar, @Zabadabadoo and many others; My best regards to you all.
To all of you who uplifted some of my gloomy days with your threads seeking help, successes in resolving bugs, glitches and finding novel solutions - Thank you for keeping Linux in our control, a versatile and highly configurable.
A fond farewell to you all.