Cable management and Zabadabadoo's Torment

I was thinking of something more yummy :yum:


Gummy worms! Gimme! HAHA :pinching_hand: :pinching_hand: :pinching_hand:

Yum Yum Yum :yum: :yum: :yum:

Nom Nom Nom :candy: :candy: :candy:


My initial thought. But, I think it's something similar to rice noodles or bean-based noodles.


Yay, less cable to manage!


We do have something like that in Japan (tricolore Sōmen).
But they are much thinner than Cat6.


OK, your making me hungry FrenchPress, now I need to go into the fridge and grab some pudding...

Yes, this will do nicely. Grabs 2, cause 2 pudding cups are better then 1.


There is no cables nor entanglements :frowning:
The Queen is not amused. :crown:


2?...i eat 4 at a time. They are so yummy. I still want in that IT closet, with a few puddings :custard: :crazy_face:


Glad to see that Harvey appreciates delicious chocolate. I went to make another order of chocolate pudding this month, and I got screwed on the order. This pandemic has caused nothing but problems, both locally, and online. StarTreker is not happy.

But, I am also happy to receive comments from other's who enjoy chocolate pudding as much as I do. WOOT! WOOT! WOOT! :chocolate_bar: :custard: :chocolate_bar:


:hugs: i have war in head which linux to be used? Zorin>POP OS>Mx Linux> ALL 3?
("!") crunchy like a spot with cakes.

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For gaming use Pop! OS

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i did not like pop idk why.

Unless you can provide specifics, I do not know why either. I can give you some solid reasons why I love POP OS though!

(1) POP OS first and formost is gaming ready out of the box. It comes with your Nvidia drivers already installed, and it will be the latest driver version too.

(2) POP OS has direct upgrade functionality built into it, it allows you to upgrade to the latest OS version, without the need to wipe the hard drive, and install new.

(3) As you can see by the screenshot, POP OS comes with a recovery partition, much like Windows has. You can update the recovery partition every single month, which keeps it up to date. If your OS should go bonkers for whatever reason, you can boot into GRUB and issue full recovery without having to re-install the OS.

(4) POP OS comes with Cosmic, which is like a window manager that many people love. I however, prefer a little more flexibility in customizations that I choose, so I was able to disable Cosmic, and install Dash To Panel, which gave me what I wanted.

I was also able to install other extensions that work for me as well for a gaming system, like CPU Power Manager, and and Sound Output Chooser. But Nvidia Prime Indicator came already installed!

(5) POP OS by default has a pleasant looking GUI as well, and even beginners shouldn't have issues with using it. But, I am very picky, and so I had to customize that too, and this was the change I made.

Material Black Blueberry 4.0 Theme With Numix 2021 Icons On POP OS 20.10

POP OS has allowed me to do all this and more. Is it necessarily and OS for everyone? No it is not! Even I freely admit that Zorin OS is even better still for beginners, and Zorin OS comes with some features that POP OS doesn't.

But if your a hardcore gamer, you have to go with POP OS hands down. Anyways, those are just a few reasons why I really love POP OS.


For me and the insanity I delve into on my machine, that would be useless.
Month? More like every five minutes...

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POP OS also created for museum laptops with size hdd 10Gb?
I bet it coming little with newer versions.

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470.74 is still not added by Pop! OS. So it's not the latest.

My wife has a laptop from 2011, 10 years old and Pop! OS works fine on it. Everything worked out of the box.

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Come on Michel, give em a break. They will in short order. 470.63 was just the latest like a week ago right? You can't expect them to update the ISO more then a month at a time. lol


470.63 is 2 months old. 470.74 came out half way september. The same date i installed it on Pop! OS remeber ? I could not wait for Pop! OS to update you said haha

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Now you are starting to sound like Jeff which I find hilarious. Poor Jeff wants his LITE, but there is not LITE, the horror! And Michel wants his 470.74, but there is no 74, why no 74, omg the horror, the horror!

But Michel being the genius that he is, he defeated it, and installed it manually, for he wanted the ULTIMATE POWER in the GPU universe!
Lets Go Yes GIF

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Excactly that @StarTreker :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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