Cannot install Zorin 16 Pro

I would remove ram 1 by 1 to see if it makes any difference, even is memtest shows your ram is all good. It's possible 1 is faulty.

Very freaking strange

I read on 3 different sites and they all said it's failed memory for them. They tested all 3 with memtest and it passed. But there was one ECC module failing on them

Ik heb soortgelijke melding wel eens eerder gehad, in mijn geval was het toen een falende ECC geheugenchip het probleem (ookal zeg memtest dat het OK is).
Dit omdat het volgens het geheugen prima is, omdat de juiste waarde word weggeschreven en geverifieerd, maar de ECC hardware heeft de bit moeten corrigeren, waardoor er een MCE error komt, wat niet gedetecteerd word door memtest.

I've had a similar message before, in my case it was a failing ECC memory chip (even though memtest says it's OK).
This is because according to the memory it is fine, because the correct value is written and verified, but the ECC hardware has had to correct the bit, causing an MCE error, which is not detected by memtest.

So at the end what can I do? Should I wait for the two guys to reply in my gmail ?

I would remove all the ram modules and put them back one by one to see if one is failing or not.

I tried it now , it doesn't work either

Well you have problems with Windows and Linux, something can be wrong with your hardware.

Reseat them 1 by 1 and load optimal defaults in bios (remove the enitre bios battery for 30 seconds).

If that does not work, then i don't know what the issue can be.

Ok , now I checked my pc provider , and I understood that my pc is not made for linux , idk how but that s what they told me ... I wil talk to them this fix this for sure

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That's too sad :cry:

The OP in the reddit thread solved it by flashing the iso in DD mode. @Heyrer2 what did you select?

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Now I m trying to do the same

His bios not support sgx. Intel generation what he have also have some problems. Are you updated bios or downgrade to catch that option sgx?


That's why i posted it :wink:


According to this pdf your mobo is compatible with ubuntu (even upto impish indri)....

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I tried to do this with the DD setting , and no , it doesn't work​:sob::sob::sob::sob:

Well i checked that pdf file, i know for the future i won't buy a asus board. Did you see how many boards are incompatible with linux ? with other words "take our mainboard and use windows"

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I feel sorry for you and i am sorry to say that my support ends here, i am out of ideas and tried my best to get you a working desktop.


Anyways guys , thanks a lot for what you tried to do its just amazing


But in real life what they say it can do and what it can really do is another story. It was the comment by someone I know working in IT industry.