Cannot install Zorin 16 Pro


Wait for other volunteers to pitch in?
I am at my wit's end :sweat_smile:

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Anyways thanks for your time

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You got my gender wrong :girl:

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FAT32's limit is 4GB , so that's why I cannot format the PRO version of Zorin Os to FAT32 ... but I still don't understand how the others are doing it ... are they using ntfs on RUFUS ???

May I ask, just to be sure, how exactly did you do this? I did not know you can do that using the file manager.

Right-clicked on my USB , selected format button , I saw that little pannel and I changed there the format type to FAT32 from NTFS and I clicked format button on that window

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Once it is written on the USB each files are smaller than 4GB.
This is the content of my Zprin 16 Pro USB - nothing is larger than 4GB.

iso file is not designed to copy into directly to USB as such.
It is meant to be mounted in file manager and the content will be copied into USB. Everything will fit as far as your USB memory is 8GB + capacity.

Screenshot from 2021-12-10 19-04-58

Soooo how much space does your iso file has ??? Here is what I have :

If I use Ubuntu everything is just fine and I do get the FAT32 option

Same size.

But it will NOT be copied as a single file.

I suggest you to mount this iso file and see it yourself.
You can do it in Windows (double click, or shortcut click to mount).
You will see that it contains many files but none are larger than 4GB.

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Zorin is based on ubuntu so you can use that.

Also what is in the option SELECT ???

There is a file which has 4.9 GB

Make sure you will install it in the same mode as your Windows.
Both have to be either Legacy or UEFI.

It will fit.
It is a compressed file and will be decompressed for more than one file during a USB writing.

I would try renaming the zorin iso to the ubuntu one and see what it does.

Ok but right now the problem is that I GOT ONLY THE NTFS OPTION , should I try use it ??

let me try to do this

This is not going to help...we are trying to do our best to help you out and we try to find the problem 1 by 1.

That I have no answer.
I will as a help @Aravisian.

I know ... I wrote that with caps for other to understand not shout :grin:

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