Cannot install Zorin 16 Pro

I had to look this one up.

The Machine Check Exception most often points to Bad RAM. Have you tested your RAM?

Let's try this... in the meantime...
A moment ago, we changed "quiet splash"... we are about to do that again but more complex.
"quiet splash noapic pci=assign-busses apicmaintimer idle=poll reboot=cold,hard"
Please be careful and ensure No Typographical errors...

Ok let's try , and no the RAM IS good

Ok, the RAM is the first likely cullprit - but not the only. Something in your hardware is failing a test.
It may work on Windows that is less sensitive to hardware restrictions, but on Linux, that failure can be more easily exposed.

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Ok so I tried the new formula you sended and I get the same error as the first time
Btw I appreciate a lot that you are trying to help me out

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What can we do more ?

Found similar looking error messages:

and here:

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But everything works fine when I try to boot in safe mode ... should I install the system with safe mode ? Everything will be fine ?

You could add addition drivers after the installation.

But how can I add other drivers are install ??

You can add them manually or it could come as a part of the update.

ok then let s do it
let me try

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My jaw dropped when you said this.

"quiet splash nomodeset"

I remember this...

Oh GOD , NOW MY PC IS JUST NOT WORKING AT ALL... I m trying to fix it after I deleted everything

nomodeset and Boot with Safe Graphics are The Same thing.

I m trying install this with safe mode but after the install is finished and I try to reboot , nothing shows up than my motherboard logo ....

I feel like I m just destroying my PC like this.I lost 3 days already with this problem , why can t I enojy this at allπŸ˜₯

Did you disable fastboot in BIOS?

Mmmmmmmmmm I think so , but after the installation can I check that and change it ?

Just press whatever the key you need to go into BIOS at the startup.

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When you finish installation and reboot - are you rebooting Into Safe Graphics?

Once booted into the desktop, we can set that Permenant.