Mhh, it seems that I cannot enter Grub anymore It says "Grub loading..." and then boots to the OS instead
Can't I just change it in /etc/default/grub ? Does it do the same thing?
gedit etc/default/grub
After you removed the nomodeset behind it run update-grub
in terminal
What should this line ultimately look like? Mine is
Is that correct? There's no "nomodeset" parameter in /etc/default/grub and when I try to enter grub during boot it just says "Grub loading..." and then nothing happens except for booting Zorin
Looks like this if this helps anything
It would look like this, you wrote earlier you added it. But you did not . Did you add the quiet splash ?
I 100% did! As far as I understood it this is only a temporary change no? Which vanishes after the first boot, at least that's what I've read somewhere.
Everything I added to grub earlier was "nomodeset" after the 'linux' line, as advised, so no!
Oke leave it as it is.
I think we are done now
It really feels like it, but these screens I'm seeing are just very new and never appeared before. I'll make you a very short video for you to see. There's definitely something going on. Also, I somehow can't enter grub, it has to mean something no? So you really think all is fine?
I dont know, posting a video will clear that up. All i know is that you are not getting logged out anymore after 20 seconds
For every problem there is a solution
Hahaha pretty true Yeah, the biggest chunk was solved with your help, so thank you veeeery much for that!!!!!
Guess what, right when I tried to record the video the 'weird' screens are gone So another one in the bank
Now I only cannot enter grub and Zorin boot logos are out of size, but that's something I can definitely live with
So thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me and being so patient
You saved a fresh Linux user from going to the depths of Windows hell
This is still related I think. I'm having issues with some media playback. Some apps refuse to playback audio/video at all and some are - even weirder - causing another media app to crash. E.G. if I try to play a voicemail on Telegram Desktop, my Twitch Video will instantly stop playing, uhm...what?
Besides that I was now able to check if there's anything left in Grub, nomodeset not present, but we knew this before
Just tell me if I should open another thread for this issue
Using the stock player ?
sudo apt install libdvdnav4 libdvd-pkg gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly libdvd-pkg
sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras
As for the amd drivers to make sure everything is deleted. Try this command
sudo ./amdgpu-pro-install --uninstall
I liked the post, but then I remembered, I no longer acknowledge 'fake titles' such as Mr and Mrs - I've told my optician, my Doctor and other agencies I no longer acknowledge the fake title of Mr. And here's why:
Have you also tried adding the command:
Hey there! It tells me again that there's no such command Any other options to get rid of the AMD stuff? Also...Isn't Mesa an AMD thing? I found some Mesa drivers, can I uninstall them?
Done this, worked, but I still cannot play most of my media (Plexamp, Telegram, Whatsapp Desktop).
It's telling me that it's waiting for cache and there's a lock on /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend, not sure what that means
Where would I put this kind sir?
This probably means all AMD stuff is gone already, those 2 commands i gaved you should delete the installed AMD.
Oh okay sounds great!
the lock on var means you might have synaptic package manager or software updater.
xforcevesa - edit the GRUB parameter starting VMLinuz and add it at the end of the line.
Try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras
Alright will do so and try as soon as I can. Will be with the kids for a while now, but will report later the day
Not sure what this means and what helps to get around it
Tried that, a similar error occurs