How can I replace GPU (AMD -> Nvidia) without reinstallation?

Mhh, it seems that I cannot enter Grub anymore :thinking: It says "Grub loading..." and then boots to the OS instead :frowning:

Can't I just change it in /etc/default/grub ? Does it do the same thing?


gedit etc/default/grub


After you removed the nomodeset behind it run update-grub in terminal

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What should this line ultimately look like? Mine is


Is that correct? There's no "nomodeset" parameter in /etc/default/grub and when I try to enter grub during boot it just says "Grub loading..." and then nothing happens except for booting Zorin :thinking:


Looks like this if this helps anything

It would look like this, you wrote earlier you added it. But you did not :sweat_smile:. Did you add the quiet splash ?

I 100% did! As far as I understood it this is only a temporary change no? Which vanishes after the first boot, at least that's what I've read somewhere.

Everything I added to grub earlier was "nomodeset" after the 'linux' line, as advised, so no! :see_no_evil:

Oke leave it as it is.

I think we are done now :innocent:

It really feels like it, but these screens I'm seeing are just very new and never appeared before. I'll make you a very short video for you to see. There's definitely something going on. Also, I somehow can't enter grub, it has to mean something no? :frowning: So you really think all is fine? :pray:

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I dont know, posting a video will clear that up. All i know is that you are not getting logged out anymore after 20 seconds :sweat_smile:

For every problem there is a solution :woozy_face:

Hahaha pretty true :joy: Yeah, the biggest chunk was solved with your help, so thank you veeeery much for that!!!!!

Guess what, right when I tried to record the video the 'weird' screens are gone :sweat_smile: So another one in the bank :smirk: Now I only cannot enter grub and Zorin boot logos are out of size, but that's something I can definitely live with :joy:

So thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me and being so patient :pray:

You saved a fresh Linux user from going to the depths of Windows hell :heart:


This is still related I think. I'm having issues with some media playback. Some apps refuse to playback audio/video at all and some are - even weirder - causing another media app to crash. E.G. if I try to play a voicemail on Telegram Desktop, my Twitch Video will instantly stop playing, uhm...what? :sweat_smile:

Besides that I was now able to check if there's anything left in Grub, nomodeset not present, but we knew this before :smirk:

Just tell me if I should open another thread for this issue :slight_smile:

Using the stock player ?

sudo apt install libdvdnav4 libdvd-pkg gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly libdvd-pkg

sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras

As for the amd drivers to make sure everything is deleted. Try this command

sudo ./amdgpu-pro-install --uninstall

I liked the post, but then I remembered, I no longer acknowledge 'fake titles' such as Mr and Mrs - I've told my optician, my Doctor and other agencies I no longer acknowledge the fake title of Mr. And here's why:

Have you also tried adding the command:



Hey there! It tells me again that there's no such command :confused: Any other options to get rid of the AMD stuff? Also...Isn't Mesa an AMD thing? I found some Mesa drivers, can I uninstall them?

Done this, worked, but I still cannot play most of my media (Plexamp, Telegram, Whatsapp Desktop).

It's telling me that it's waiting for cache and there's a lock on /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend, not sure what that means :see_no_evil:

Where would I put this kind sir?

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This probably means all AMD stuff is gone already, those 2 commands i gaved you should delete the installed AMD.

Oh okay sounds great!

the lock on var means you might have synaptic package manager or software updater.

xforcevesa - edit the GRUB parameter starting VMLinuz and add it at the end of the line.

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Try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras

Alright will do so and try as soon as I can. Will be with the kids for a while now, but will report later the day :slight_smile:

Not sure what this means and what helps to get around it :see_no_evil:

Tried that, a similar error occurs