If I install Zorin OS as a virtual machine on Windows will I limit its abilities?

cd /media/username/VBox_GAs_6.1.16
sudo ./VBoxLinuxAdditions.run

Check if the number is different ion the end of the first command.
username is your login name.

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It's the same source as the Zorin OS Page download link.

Source Forge slows down in high demand. My usual advice is - Try again after a little while.

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No, you still have to do it.
This is what virtualize the necessary drivers for your VM.

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So after I get the cd mounted all I need to do is use those commands in the terminal? Do I input them one by one or both at once? It's crazy how little I know about this

Fir safty take'em one by one.

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I thought copying this file to the home folder is mandatory?
From my experience, this CD media is virtual and I have no read/write permission.

I always run it from the guestiso.

My windows task manager is showing that the VIrtualBox application is taking about 150mb of ram. Does that mean that out of the 4gb ram I just allocated that the ZorinOS is using only 150mb ? That's crazy lite

Or use Torrent.

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This can change as you use applications in it.
What you are seeing is the idle memory usage which should be very minimal.

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That's understandable. Currently it is being installed. But this is still incredibly light. I gotten used to windows needing 4gb ram just to exist :smiley:

Ah, thanks.
I did not know that. I always try to run it from home folder.

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Actually if you do not use anything heavy, you can get away with mere 2GB RAM for 64 bit Win10 in VM. Linux distro in VM requires even less memory. While I am writing this I fully understand why modern offices love to use thin client with cloud. It is way more efficient on resources.

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Just wanted to let everyone know that I managed to do it thanks to your help!

64bit running in VM! The app store is lagging now for some reason but that will clear up I hope. I am looking at getting a brave browser on it.

If all goes well and I like this OS, I will get the paid license to support it!

Thanks everyone once again!


Wouldn't vm on zorin 16 provide the speed and efficiency to perform this with little effect on your hardware and minimize lag from vm? Isn't it possible to also specify what kind of hardware you emulate on existing hardware (dual core on a quad core, hex core on a octa core... ram is locked to existing clock speed i know, but other things can be specified, or an i wrong in this? ). Forgive my ignorance, i use vm for android emulation, not pc.

And mine.

I was traumatized by VirtualBox as a child and never sought proper therapy.

From VirtualBox
Preferences > Display > set Max Guest Screen Size to hint. Then you can change the Width and Height of the screen.

Try sudo apt install virtualbox-guest-additions-iso

I just installed VB to test all this out and see what happens...

My sympathies.

VirtualBox was quite bad and still not that good. While it is still open source, it is owned by loathing Oracle.

When I decided to go for VM Windows (on OSX) 5-6 years ago I seriously compared Parallels, VMWare and VirtualBox.

It was not too difficult to eliminate VirtualVox as a candidate. I finally settled for Paralells (OSX only) then switched to VMWare (multi platform) shortly before changing my host machine to Linux.

Agreed about Oracle.

It's funny you happened to be typing this out as I was entering into terminal:

sudo apt remove --purge virtualbox-qt virtualbox-guest-additions-iso vde2

It lasted about 5 minutes on my computer before I needed to kill it with fire.

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All vrtualization apps let you customize hardware within a certain limitation. You cannot add a function which does not exist in the host machine, i.e., USB 3 ports cannot be added if the host only has USB 2 ports.

Apart from Host-Guest virtualization, I also tested Hypervisor virtualization (KVM). While most resource efficient architecture was Hypervisor, the ease of use was on Host-Guest architecture. Since I already assembled my system over-specked (6Core i7, 3.9GHz + 64 GB RAM) I went for Host-Guest architecture (VMWare) and never looked back.