Installer crashes

Nope 20.04

Well... popped my bubble... Zorin OS Desktop Lite is still in build process for 20.04. So much for the easy way...


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:zorinos/stable

sudo apt update

sudo apt install xfce4

sudo apt-get install xfce4-goodies xfce4-zorinmenulite-plugin plymouth-theme-zorin-logo zorin-appearance-layouts-xfce-core zorin-desktop-themes zorin-icon-themes zorin-os-fonts zorin-desktop-session

If all completes successfully, log out, then log in on xfce session.

From there you can:

sudo apt remove --purge lubuntu-desktop

to reduce space taken up.

You can open Settings and change the style and icons to the Zorin Theme and Icon theme of your choosing. From settings, open Window Manager to choose a Zorin border theme for the windows.

Okay. I'll run these commands

Unable to locate package xfce4-zoringmenulite-plugin zorin-appearance-layouts-xfce-core zorin-os-fonts

What happened when you added the repo?

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:zorinos/stable

You can try in terminal:

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

Then arrow key to the bottom and copy
deb Index of /stable/ focal main
and paste it at the bottom. Hit enter to drop down a line, then copy
deb Index of /apps/ focal main
and paste it in. Then hit ctrl+x to exit, the y key to say yes to save, then enter to save as current configuration. The terminal will revert to normal.

Enter in

sudo apt update

Then try installing the packages above, again.

I got: the following signature couldn't be verified

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eh, that is right... gpg keys come with the terminal add-apt-repository command...


And sudo add-apt-repository ppa:zorinos/stable isn't working?

It worked before adding those urls

If you want me to lower my Lubuntu version, I can

It may be worth a shot as Zorin 16 (20.04) is in development and Zorin 15.3 (18.04) is stable with all packages in the repository.
Otherwise, FrenchPresses suggestion above may be worth a try, too.

So all I gotta do is download Lubuntu 18.04? And then install Zorin desktop on it??

Yes, install Lubuntu 18.04, then add the repository for zorinos/stable as above, then in terminal

sudo apt-update

sudo apt install zorin-os-desktop-lite

Or maybe it is

sudo apt install zorin-os-lite-desktop

Try both, use the one that works... I confuse the two sometimes...

Ok. Is there any chance they'll be Zorin OS theme for windows?

Do you mean Microsoft Windows Operating System?

Yes! If I can theme it to look like Zorin. Im a great fan of Zorin

Ah... Not that I know of...
Zorin OS is a Linux Distribution whereas Windows is a Proprietary Operating System of Microsoft.

The only chance I can see is in using Wincustomize and Windowblinds, which is a Pay-For Service.
You can either learn how to theme in Windowblinds or get to know some Windowblinds themers and see if they would be willing to contact the ZorinGroup and seek permission to fork a Zorin-Inspired Theme (As long as it does Not contain the copyrighted name of "Zorin" in the theme) for Windowblinds.

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I did not know anything about this app.

10.99 Euro a crack for customization - while Linux users can morph their desktop anyway they want for free of charge.

But if the system can only handle Windows it could be an option - provided Windows in OP's machine is really a regular Windows (which I am not so sure).

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I am not so sure, either. I think it is Tablet Edition. That being said, the Windowblinds will work on Tablet edition.

I never knew about it the entire time I was on Windows. I learned about after I had migrated to Linux (Zorin OS). I wish I had known of it sooner... But then, it doesn't matter now since:

I can make any theme I want from scratch. :smiley:

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I can morph an existing piece to something else :slight_smile:


I've never used Tablet edition of Windows.
If OP decided to go that way, he/she would be better off asking questions in Windows forum, not here. I do not think there is much people on this forum who has an in-depth knowledge for Windows customization.