Linux vs. Windows

I never ask.
But some guys proudly tell that they are older than others :crazy_face:

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People that express there side sometime forget that there are 2 sides that have equal merit. Or they feel no ones point but theirs matters.

And those argue till they are blue in the face to try and say their right and your wrong. They are generally lacking in certain areas. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Of which, by the post you quoted, you demonstrate that I am equally guilty of this.

It really does bother me when on rare occasions, a user declares that we can only help them if we neglect the terminal (It does not happen often, but it has happened, usually with disastrous results).
It also ties the hands of the helpdesk.

With certain add-ons, the terminal becomes remarkably easy. On mine, for example, I need only type sudo apt install t and it will list out all available packages beginning with t.
Let's say I need a specific package... I can partially type that and it will show all available packages with the Version Number.
It is quick, accurate and easy. There is no reason to shun that.

As a themer I can certainly appreciate some nice GUI.
As a Zorin OS user I can appreciate the F-14 Tomcat Power of the terminal.

Actually just the opposite in the post...your not discrediting the post, but offering your point. On the other hand others are attempting to do just that

No, you're wrong.

I agree to disagree

I disagree with your disagreement to agree to disagree and instead agree only to disagree with your agreement.


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Terminal is usefull to find a things why something not working.
I saw sometimes people who need help with installation Zorin we going a standard way. Do that or that. grub,partitioning,drivers.
I know users who want installing Zorin and are newbies with linux sometimes don't know where is the problem or how find or installing something.
So when some user trying installing a Zorin distribution first question is if he have some experience with linux or he want change operative system because he want whatever. Then we know we must explain guide step by step.
Next we can offer a help on discord channel Zorin put link or something where people they exist also. The support and helping users we must show them not only here they can find answear on problem what they have. I am a ComPtia A+ certificated and for me is important a cooperate with a customer or user.


As usual, last one to arrive to the party! :tada:

I don't know what happened to the original post as Aravisian's is at the head of this thread in response to something that no longer appears to be there.
I am talking in relation to Thunderbird - there is a plugin to be able to connect to MS Exchange and is free for a month then you have to pay a subscription - a much better product is Evolution. I used this whilst working from home and was able to connect to my Outlook365 Work account without any issues - apart from a shared sub-account which meant me having to run Windows 7 Pro (initially) in order to install Office 365. Evolution is what Outlook used to look like and more customisable than O365 or Outlook for the desktop which look ugly (just like Geary does - Ugly!). Remmina desktop was great for RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) - with that I could access my Z:/drive and shared servers with one login in Remmina as opposed to 3 separate logins through a web browser! GNU/Linux wins hands down!
In respect of using Evolution, I had to look at Outlook 365 settings page to get the information I needed for the incoming and outgoing servers - cinch!

There is more support for Windows but it's less safe. Linux is more stable but there is less support for it, except from the community. But Window has also their own community.

But Linux is free and that's a big pro but I also noticed that you have work with the terminal more often.

The difference is that GNU/Linux offers you freedom, you are not a data stream which is what proprietary software does.


This really puts to mind, the Great Library of Alexandria. We are not really sure of what was contained within since it was destroyed. We only have tantalizing hints.
The first known book on Robots.
Examples of Steam Propelled devices.
Remarkably, the Library of Alexandria guarded her secrets jealously, sharing the knowledge it contained only with those within its walls. And when the library was sacked, burned and destroyed, whatever was contained within was lost.

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Ah. No backup then.


I've heard that a sure-fire way to keep an important photo is to share it with friends and family members. At least one of them will keep it just in case you lose it. It cost money in the analogue days but with digital data, it will cost almost nothing.


What I can sayed about unix apple operating system. They are difficult to installation searching kext and drivers using some bootloader. Linux is more easier to installation.
Anyone tried that?

Here is another thing where Linux beats Windows:

And Linux updates take a maximum of 5 minutes. (Speaking from personal experience)

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I've said it before - To think people are putting up with this. But if they don't know the alternatives...

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The variable performance drove me nuts.

The last Windows I had was 7. Of course was still 4-5 hours on a clean install. But the updates were what I could never figure out. On my desktop they would install - I think the longest took 15-20 minutes. On my wife’s desktop it took the same but then at the end of that would reward me with a failure message. I had to go to these guys to fix her problem - very grateful to them.

With Linux I learned to fix my own machine thanks to all the examples of others doing so. With Windows I had no clue because even the MS help desk has no clue.

Still, there was a silver lining in all that. I never owned a Mac. :laughing: