Manjaro Cinnamon ditching Firefox for Vivaldi

The curious thing is that Vivaldi is not that slow in my VM Windows. But I am comparing it with MS Edge - not much of a competition.

I do not want to install Firefox in my VM Windows for the aforementioned reason.

Benchmarked them, MS Edge is way faster. Maybe is just a difference in hardware.

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I think VM and bare-metal settings are different kettle of fish. Everything is virtualised there including the hardware.

Which benchmark software you use in Windows?

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I don't, u really don't need it. Benchmark software are bad at simulating day to day task. I just use my own experience and a timer. You can really tell the difference.


Ah, you are right.
I just need a stopwatch!

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thinking of trying BRAVE Browser, but dont think ive ever seen it as a default on any linux distros. ANY thoughts

Brave is billed as privacy focused and "For the User". And when that happens, I usually get a little alarm in my head. When something is saying "trust me" while it is selectively Target Market Advertising at me... I get an impetus to do the exact opposite.
I think it is in part due to Brave Browser selectively targeting you with ads. If you turn that off in your settings, it targets you with stock Crypto Currency ads.
Brave Browser includes a disclaimer that if you make a donation to someone else, like a pateon account or youtuber through the brave browser, they can just choose to keep that money instead of sending it to the person you donated it to.
And... They do keep it.
When a youtuber Tom Scott raised public outcry over this, they amended the disclaimer (a few times) and made the BAT feature "opt in / opt out" but like devious marketing ploys - you must know to look for it and know to opt out of the default Opt In. Sneaky.
I don't like Sneaky.
And I don't forgive a Thief.

I will never use Brave Browser.


Ah, that is interesting.
That was exactly what my husband told me after testing it out for a couple of days.


I don't like the philosophy of Brave. BAT tokens is not a very good idea in my opinion. I think I won't use it because nothing is special about it.

I actually hate it on Linux. It just doesn't integrate well on Linux. Brave just doesn't appeal to me, it's just a browser with an ad blocker installed.

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I will keep Firefox as my main browser (in lack of better). Tried Vivaldi, then ditched it.
I still think Zorin OS should come with Lynx as default :stuck_out_tongue:

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With the option to upgrade to Browsh.

We should start a petition.

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It would be a killer for ex-windows users :smiley:

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Isn't Lynx a CLI browser?

Scroll down to the screenshot.

Which also reminds me of weather focust in terminal command:

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I think including Lynx is not a good idea, most users won't even touch it, and it will just be bloat.

Never used Epiphany aka Gnome Web, maybe I might try it

9 posts were split to a new topic: Apps run by terminal commands

In Windows, I use Vivaldi, Brave, but most of the time, I use Firefox. In GNU/Linux, I use mostly LibreWolf (Firefox fork), but also Firefox.

Vivaldi is sort of the resurgence of old Opera, pre-Chromium. I was a big user of it, back in the day. It's big on configuration choices and features, for a non open code browser. It does have some proximity with Google services, which might not be so to the liking of some. I never noticed (more) problems with resources in Vivaldi than any other common use browser. I never used it in Linux, though.

Brave is a nice browser, open source and without some of the bloat of Chromium. In private mode, it uses the Tor network. I always used it with rewards and any other stuff in starting page deactivated, so I can't talk about that.

Firefox is my favorite browser and it's not Chromium based, as a plus. Librewolf is just about the same as Firefox, but with some privacy tweaks. I also tweak Firefox, so both of them end up being similar. I use these settings:

thanks Aravisian
Think i will stick to firefox for now.

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