Offers of ZorinOS foreign language translation

I have been using Zorin OS for about four months and have to say that I am completely satisfied. I wanted to ask if i can help with the German translation.


I am always happy to hear of another satisfied customer, as the saying goes. I know with Windows recent antics with 24H2 Win11, were getting more users switching to Zorin Linux by the day now, and thats good. An OS shouldn't be for a greedy corporate gain, it should be there for the user, to operate their computer, and thats it.

@AZorin @zorink

XDeltaOne wishes to help with German translation. Just thought you should know.


Welcome, welcome, it's very nice to have you here.


Welcome, have fun with Zorin.
It's nice that more and more people are switching from Windows to Zorin.
You won't regret it Zorin is great.


If needed i can do Dutch @zorink

Thank you, dear community, for the kind words. Yes, I hope I can. I actually only used Windows my whole life until I came across this distro, which is very exciting for me. I also have much to learn in the Linux world. Have a nice weekend.


I thought there may be a thread entitled "Community offers of help with translation" or similar, as this comes up from time to time.
Maybe there should be such a thread started in "Feedback", where the devs are likely to look. Maybe one for the Mods to think about.


I've brought it to a Discussion.

Thank you very much for your kind offer! I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying Zorin OS.

You're able to submit translations for some of our exclusive Zorin apps (like Zorin Appearance and the Upgrade Zorin OS app) on our translations website:

As Zorin OS is based on Ubuntu and upstream projects within this umbrella, we can also suggest contributing translations through Ubuntu for other apps and software. That way, your work can benefit both Zorin OS and other projects using the same software: Translations/QuickStartGuide - Ubuntu Wiki
You can find their German language translation page here: German (de) : Noble (24.04) : Translations : Ubuntu


Welcome @XDeltaOne , it's good to have you join us.

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Hi Thank you very much, I'm looking forward to the future with the Zorin family. :slight_smile:

I hope it's okay if I write anonymously and don't have to register.

Dutch has been fully translated now, there is 1 error saying it's a duplicate. That's true because they are both having the same name.

I completed the translation to Bosnian a couple of months ago for Zorin specific components :smile:


The thread subject was "Hello friends, I'm new here"
I have changed it as many posts refer to language translation.
I also moved to Chat about Zorin, but could equally be moved to Feedback.

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