Old tech vs. New tech

lol. Don't you heard gaming mobile? Where procesor is burn and everything in mobile start crashed then they told you when you writing to android some games complain why this is crashed - they answear you have a poor mobile specification. I also looked what app not using and another many trash what I never used on mobile. Mostly for text msg and call. The best option older mobile with android lollipop you cannot install any app because you have information your version android is low and you need some higher version. So they want tell me I need to buying new mobile with higher version android to use some application. Isn't this some tricky market? Battery mobile with processor SoC with 1Tb 16Gb ram, 7" amoled or lcd and what could be more eating battery if you don't used them often. Bluetooth and wifi application, because now everyone using apps.

This could pose a hazard for a car which runs over it.

I remember this old news - a businessman fend himself from a lobber with this "Brick" and the lobber needed a hospital treatment thereafter :wink:


Oh uh it's happening again... we've derailed off-topic. Perhaps we should move this to its own thread?

p.s. Punch card computers are no more :(((


Phhhff... all that high tech.
In my youth we used this:


Back in the good ol' days...
Sadly the companies behind the hand™ also went out of business.


Posts splitted from the original: How fast does your Computer Boot up with Zorin?

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On a serious note; My first computer was a commodore 64, still miss it though ... yeah I know there's vice on Linux.


You know whats really funny? Computers are so quiet these days, and the only time people complain, is if they hear their notebooks fan screaming all the time. My position is, I rather have cooling over quietness.

I discovered that MSI tuned my notebook fan curves for quiet. So of course, one of the first things I did was, go into the bios and set my fans to start kicking up at 35C, and maximize by 68C. I rather not have a CPU meltdown thank you very much lol.

But even computer's in the 90's were still loud due to noisy hard drives. That high pitched whine sound was all too common, and if you ever entered a server room, better have ear plugs lol.

In the 80's to mid 90's, we got to listen to the wonderful sound of magnetic tape drives and floppies making their own wracket of sounds. If you don't know these sounds, I recommend watching That 8-Bit Guy on Youtube.

Truth is, floppy drives were so dumb, they had to issue a return to home command, which always made that knocking sound we all heard so much, and if you asked weather or not that knocking would eventually wear out the drive, you'd be right lol.

Kids today with their fancy smart phones, and thin and light notebooks, have 0-clue what we went through. IMHO, it is better to have experienced what we came from, to give appreciation for what we have now.

And don't forget the lovely sounds the dialup modems made back in the 90's, early 2000's. Those were the days, when downloading a 100MB file would leave you in serious doubt weather it would get to you, before your ISP terminated your connection.


You forgot to mention dot-matrix printers.
Nothing like a soothing sound of a daisy wheel /s.

Perforated edge, anyone? :rofl:


OMG, I totally remember those. They made this upper frequency shreek, as they ever so slowly printed each line. And the print out wouldn't even be nice dark contrast, it was grey, and you liked it! Why? It was all there was, so we thought.

Then when ink jets came out, what an improvement that was, imagine that, a printer that is quiet, you could hear yourself think. Trouble is, this was also about the period when companies saw a huge money grab opportunity with ink cartridges.

When laser printers came out in the 90's, they were the coolest, and IMHO, still are. I am actually still using an old HP 2100 laserjet printer, which is the same model my school used back in the day. And yes, believe it or not, this old thing still works lol.

The only bad thing about laser printers is that they use more expensive ink toners, mine basically cost 50 dollars per toner, and the printers use more power. But let me tell you, these printers have a long life, they can print thousands of pages before everything wears out on them.

Once my husband and I calculated a cost of inkjet ink and came to a conclusion that one could buy a moderate size house with a bathtub full of genuine HP ink (about 100 L). We went out and bought a laser printer next day.


I can still hum that melody.
My husband can do it in a perfect pitch (he is a professional musician).


I feel the nostalgia strongly with this one...






I think you find them for those "young subscribers" on this forum :rofl:

I still have it in my desk!
And I forgot how to use it :crazy_face:


Your exactly right, we need to teach the young whipper snappers their history. Best way to appreciate what you have now IMO. :+1:

Send them to a boot camp with a slide rule?

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Are we getting more stupid while our gadgets getting more smart?

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It was my university assignment!
Fortran, that was - I was a science major.

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I can easily imagine an ancient Roman declaring,
"Well, the future of the world is in the hands of people who have no idea how to use a heavy left-handed pilum ... need I say more?"