OS freeze doing nothing on version 17

I posted a few days back that I'm trying to move my son off an old Lenovo machine running Windows to Zorin 17 on a pretty high end machine. All was going really well until we connected the laptop to a docking station, with an external monitor, keyboard and mouse. Now, while doing nothing at all but being on, it will randomly freeze up and needs a force restart. We're very new to Zorin, with myself using it longer than him but we've encountered no issues until we added the external hardware. It's a pretty beefy machine so I'm pretty sure it's not the machine. I've attached a screenshot of the specs for review. Any thoughts would be very much appreciated!

Wayland does not play well with Docking stations. So you likely are experiencing the freeze during the time the Docking Station tries to connect.
Zorin OS 17 defaults to Wayland and is the first Zorin OS edition to do this.

You can select Zorin on Xorg from your login screen to switch to the standard Xorg instead of the Experimental Wayland to see if this resolves your issue.

You might check if you have Secure Boot enabled in your BIOS settings. If it is enabled, then the drivers for the Docking Station may be unsigned, thereby smacking into the Secure Boot wall.
You can disable Secure Boot in your BIOS settings.

I also will mention that Fractional Scaling can have issues on Docking Stations, especially with Wayland.


Thanks for the reply Aravisian! I know Secure Boot is off but I'm not sure how to "select Zorin on Xorg from your login screen"?

When you or your son select username, password field appears and also a cog, lower right - click on the cog and left-click on Zorin on xorg. Once done every reboot will be on xorg.

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swarfendor437, I've set the system to auto login since this is inside our home network. I'm guessing I can change that once to require login, select xorg, then set it back to autologin?

You don't need to do that, you can disable it according to my tutorial:

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NICE! Thank you both for the help, I look forward to trying the steps at home tonight

I agree with other's, "Secure Boot" & "Fast Boot" needs to be off in the BIOS, for which you have at least confirmed that "Secure Boot" is indeed off in the BIOS. Excellent!

I see, you have setup auto login, which is why you now have to use Swarf's awesome manual solution to sort out the DM. I love Swarf's manuals! :grin:

I realize your computer is being used at home, and as such, a password might not be necessary. If you have people who come over to your house however, I would recommend setting up a password for security.

If you choose to go that rout, you can do so by clicking on :zorin: logo, then click on :gear: settings, and scroll left side list and click on "USERS".

Here is where you setup your password, change your password, and set available options. Make sure "Automatic Login" toggle is turned off.

Well, since changing over to xorg it's created a new but similar problem, it's still freezing doing nothing but now it's losing the GUI and putting up lines of text on the screen. I took a pic, it's a bit fuzzy but if anyone can tell what's going on from this, I have no idea what is going on

What nvidia driver are you using ?

According to the screenshot from my first post it says it's an Mesa Intel p530, but yeah, I see it's talking about nVidia in this latest screenshot. Is there a way to determine for certain? I know some computers have two video cards with one being discrete usually

Yes there is infact.

CTRL ALT T to enter terminal

Type the following command please...


Mine for example, I have an Nvidia GPU.

If you get a return back, that lists an Nvidia card, then you know you have one. If you get a bad or unknown command return, then you know you don't have an Nvidia GPU.

Thanks, I'll try that when I get home and reply back!

Michael, it appears I do actually have a nVidia card, not sure why the screenshot in my first post showed Mesa Intel. Here's the info from Startrek

er's command

Mesa intel is the iGPU and the nvidia card is the dGPU.

Can you install the 565 driver to see how that is running ? If it’s doing the same you probably need 570 that fixes suspend. zorin does not have that one in the repo.

Your screenshot shows you using the Quadro M2000

Do you have Secure Boot enabled in your BIOS settings?

Michel, sorry, I'm not seeing a reference in the posts to a 565 driver. Is that for nVidia and where would I get that?

Aravisian, no, Secure Boot is off in the BIOS

You can use a quick terminal command:

sudo apt install nvidia-driver-565 nividia-dkms-565

My primary concern is driver compatibility on the Quadro M2000. I know that the 470 driver was quite stable on that card. But beyond that...

Thank you! I'll give that driver a try