Schmilblick or "show and tell" time

Thanks for the detailed description of progressive stage of heat sensation.
I do not think I have mastered all that stage like you did.
(I think I ate very little at that dinner table. )

Organoleptic sensation is one of the most fascinating areas of science. It is a cross between physics, chemistry and psychology.

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You have cells that normally fire off to the nerve endings when they register damage. This causes our sensation of Pain.
Capsaicin fools these cells into "thinking" there is damage, by binding a protein to chemical receptors on the cell. It is false damage.
When you understand that capsaicin cannot hurt you and causes no physical damage whatsoever, it is easier to tolerate.

That being said, I won't bother. I dislike hot or overly-spicy foods. These chemical defenses were naturally selected for to stop us from eating it.


Thank you for the info science professor.
Severus Snape School GIF by Harry Potter


yes watch out on eyes and sensitive areas don't touching.

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I heard a chilli paprika working like a paracetamol - help with pain.

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I still don't understand what this thread is supposed to be used for. Is it used for talking about pickles or just about anything? :thinking: If people can talk about anything here, then I have some questions to ask hehe.

Hi Jeslin! :slightly_smiling_face:

This is the thread topic all about food. If its food, its talked about here. Some people love their food as much as a kid loves a video game lol. And some people love food so much, they love to cook it themselves too, from scratch! :flushed:

I know hard to believe right? But some folks are traditional, even in modern day. Now take me for example, I am all about the process food. If its frozen, its for me. Take it out of the freezer, throw it in the microwave until hot, then eat! :grin:

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Hmm, then I will to find something about food that I can say here.

I might be a person like that. If I had to choose between my favorite food and games I would pick food. Anyway I don't play games anymore. But loved to play games when I had the chance to.

Wait, don't you all cook your own food?

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I realize that folks in other countries don't really know how big processed foods are in America. Processed foods make up for over 50% of the food that we eat.

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I eat cooked food three times a day. Most of the time, 2 times out of this has rice, which will occupy like 60% of the meal.

I am afraid it is NOT restricted to foods.
Please have a look at the meaning of "Schmilblick".

I started a thread to show a photo and to ask people to guess what it was. "Schmilblick or show and tell time".

See my answer above.

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Next up.
I think this one is easy to guess:
(OK, it is still about a food)

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A fish?

Yes, but how was it prepared?

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Fried with no oil? Maybe sun dried, with salt. You would be laughing.

boo... wrong.
You have two more chances :wink:

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Me thinks Smoked Mackerel from Supermarket.


Bingo! - except for the "from Supermarket" part.
I thought you would be the one who knows the answer.
The kind we can get here in France is called "Scottish Kipper" - or it should be a "Welsh Kipper" for you? :wink:

What so special about this photo?
It is made in my kitchen WITHOUT a use of purpose-made smoker :slight_smile:

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No. Kipper is smoked herring not makerel. Normally Scottish, but can get also Manx (Isle of Man) version.

You set fire to your kitchen table for that authentic cognac oak smoke flavour. Then called the Fire Brigade. :wink: