Screen tear and lag when I connect a monitor to my laptop

For some, the 470 Proprietary Tested driver is problematic. But I would not say that any driver marked as "tested" should be avoided. That is a very broad generalization.

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Hello, I re-installed the OS [dual boot with Win 11]. Ran the above commands. But my external monitor is not detected.
I am currently on 495 nvidia drivers.

For fun... can you please test on the Nvidia-450 driver?

Also, check if your BIOS settings contain "Safe boot" and disable it if it does.

Secure boot and fast boot are disabled.

Safe Boot.

I couldn't find safe boot in my bios.

Some Motherboards include that, including ASUS and others. If you are not finding it, then we can safely assume that is not the case with yours.
Is the Monitor HDMI or VGA?

It is HDMI.

Some HDMI cables are One-Direction only. You might try flipping the cable around.

Yes, It is working with my Windows's setup. Zorin was detecting the second monitor initially. There was screen tear on my external monitor.
I ran the below commands and after reboot it stopped detecting the second monitor. I was on 495 nvidia drivers when I ran the commands below.

Screen tearing itself can often be addressed with

sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-drm-nomodeset.conf

OR if you prefer GUI:

sudo -i


Then navigate to /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-drm-nomodeset.conf and double click to open it with Gedit.

Add this line
options nvidia-drm modeset=

Save and close the file.
In terminal run

sudo update-initramfs -u && sudo reboot

I must have been tired...:neutral_face:

Change that to:
options nvidia-drm modeset=1


My brain is tired and in a total fog, so I know the feeling.

Yeah I feel awful about that.
I always triple check any terminal command I suggest on here. Evidently, I missed one...

Scrolling appears to be better. But resizing the windows on screen or moving windows around is still laggy. Will try different versions of drivers to see what fits.

Thank you all for your help.

Is the external monitor displaying now?

Yes, thank you.


System Note: Five (5) Demerits to Aravisian for numbskullery.

Have you tried the Open Source Nouveau drivers?


No, not after running this.
options nvidia-drm modeset=1

Should I?

Tried it. Screen tear still exists.