Share your desktop, what does it look like?

Mods, please delete this post if inappropriate as it is not my Zorin Desktop but my Devuan one!


You shared what your desktop looks like. The thread title doesn't say, "Share your ZORIN Desktop". There are also many screenshots of Cinnamon Desktop on Zorin OS...


I agree as ALL of my desktop photos are Cinnamon ....

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Some of my posts were of ubuntu with kde plasma, gnome, cinnamon and XFCE and one of my post was of Pop!_OS but they weren't removed.

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Vscode in Zorin OS


I'm a minimalist to the core.

I'd be happy to use a dynamic wallpaper is Zorin devs released a paid, nice looking one. I can't be bothered to go for anything that isn't very quick to set up. I seldom ever see my desktop. I'm mostly in Steam / in game / in Mozilla (I use the "Dark" theme "A theme with a dark color scheme." which has slight blue(?) tint). I absolutely hate the bin icon so I have no icons enabled.


Please how did you get the clock in that formate

What do guys think


Cars as a wallpaper is not my thing. But I gave you a like"ing" because this is the first time I've seen the menu/taskbar on the right side of the screen.


Please can I get the wallpaper

I actually swapped to Vivaldi, which I much prefer to Firefox. I run a theme 'Atom Gloom'. I think the browser is essentially a huge part of the desktop experience so I thought I'd share. I think it looks great. :slight_smile:


Think I will settle on this one for now.


Can you please share the wallpaper? Looks great!

EDIT: Found it here


Wow, that looks really cool! I'm back to fighting with browsers, because Vivaldi gave me some trouble with asking for keyring. I'm trying to see if I can make Firefox look presentable or if I can manage to install Ungoogled Chromium (managed to install regular Chromium, don't know how to do the Ungoogled yet, but I'm doing my best). If anyone has any fancy Firefox browser setup, please share, I'm dying to make it look better. I hate the current visuals. :frowning:

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Thanks, but I'm going to try fighting Firefox first. I'll dive into their subreddit, maybe there is a solution. I hate how fat the tabs section is. Otherwise, I'd be happy with it. Chromium lacks some functionality I prefer to have.

Firefox has things that I wish Chromium based browsers have.
But lacks things that Chromium browsers have that I wish Firefox had.
It's a trade-off... No matter what.
The only browser that really fulfilled all my requirements as far as what I want to make it do... was Vivaldi.
Except that an ever-bloated Vivaldi.bin file has wreaked utter havoc on at least four computers I used it on.

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Haha, I feel the exact same. Vivaldi would be great if they made it not-not work. Firefox is so thick though, even in compact mode. But Chromium lacks some fundamentals for my comfort of use. :(((

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I use Brave, it's awesome. Customization doesn't matter to me much as long as the browser can take the ZorinOS theme.

I sadly can't get behind what Brave is doing with the crypto stuff.

Anyway, if anyone is curious about Firefox theming, there's GitHub for it:

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