SOLVED Dual boot Windows 8.1 Zorin 16 problem

I used to have Zorin 9 and Windows 8.1 pro running on my laptop, after a while Zorin always did a drive check, and then failed to start up.
I kind of forgot about Zorin, and only used Windows.
Since there will be no updates soon for Windows, I decided to fix Zorin.

I deleted it from the partition, and installed Zorin 16 new along side Windows.
The dual boot will not start Windows. Zorin starts and runs fine.

I have used the windows cd to boot and try and repair start up. It says start up cannot be repaired.

Can anybody help me to get Windows to start up and run?


Are you seeing a grub menu at startup, but with Windows not listed?

This may help you.

The boot repair disk mentioned post #2 by @Aravisian got me out of trouble once.

PS. I prefer to install ZorinOS using "something else" option, where I have control of partitions and location of the bootloader for the install.

When I start my laptop, I get the list of options, Zorin, Windows etc.
When I choose windows I get an error

What error is shown. Can you list it, or attach a screen shot or photo?

You could try EasyBCD from NeoSmart.

I spent ages yesterday, trying, retrying, on the internet, on YouTube.
No matter what I did, it always showed an error.

Today, I started up my laptop, first I tried Zorin, it worked fine, I then tried Windows, it came up, something like repairing. I was amazed. After a few minutes, OMG, Windows started.
I have restarted many times, and it seems that both are starting and running fine.

So I guess this is the end of this thread.

Thanks for the replies.

I am sure I will be opening new threads soon, with more questions.


That is a good ending to a horror story.


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