Balena Etcher: -10
Rufus: +5 (Good for Windows users)
MultiSystem: +20! (but needs to run on a Linux System!)
You can even download an iso based on Ubuntu 16.04 of MultiSystem from Sourceforge and create your USB sticks that way but not managed to try in live mode! Never got round to installing. Emmabuntus also comes with MultiSystem App built in!
Trust me... This one is Worth Checking Out.
I have always been a diehard unetbootin guy - or multisystem.
Ventoy has blown me away. It is like using Windows, then switching to Zorin.
I am so very sorry to hear yet again, we have another Etcher casualty in our ranks. Balena Etcher needs to stop being promoted as the go too, tool, for burning ISO's.
Rufus or Unetbootin, are the recommended ISO burners for Windows users.
And SWARF hasn't heard of Popsicle either. For folks who are already Linux users, and just want to distro hop like a rabbit, I recommend Popsicle.
Curiously, even after 2 USB sticks were lost, cheap USB stick were blamed not Etcher itself.
I lost 2 genuine Sandisk USB sticks to Etcher.
While those no-name USB sticks are fine with other writing apps such as Rufus and MintStick.
Circumstantial evidence still points towards Etcher for this destruction
I never had problems with Balena but it screams “Microsoft” to me. It took forever to image a USB.
Given the typical ~20 minute installation time of Linux distros, if I have to spend Windows-style time intervals to install Linux then I’ll get rid of the most obvious bottleneck. Suffice to say I only used Balena once.
Actually, I learned about dd from your earlier post. I had to websearch to learn what it was .
But for bootable disk creation I use unetbootin or brasero (2 of my machines still have optical drives).
@FrenchPress You are gived to me some humor about Etcher. On blog Zorin is advice using Balena Etcher and on blog Zorin websides was wrote 1 000 000 milion downloads. This is nice for a couple people creating usefull review.