Heyo. Completely new Linux user here! I'm dualbooting Zorin OS alongside Windows on my laptop with an RTX 4050 card. On setup I chose the "modern Nvidia drivers" option. I haven't tried out any games yet but the GPU is being reported kinda weirdly and it's messing with me.
Is this okay? Is this a sign for me to reinstall drivers? If so, how do I do it properly? Cuz the above window doesn't let me click on its options. I've really no idea, hahah ^^'
Huh, I see. Though isn't it weird that it's all messy like that? Is it actually using the proper Nvidia driver and not another one? Cuz I'm seeing "nouveau" here and whatnot.
I wouldn't mind doing some work to get it to look all nice and report itself properly, hahah
It also display which driver that is unloaded (not in use) like Nouveau. I wouldn't worried. About the name, it could be that it comes from vendor: CLEVO/KAPOK, is my guess.
I did what Storm suggested and reinstalled the driver via the Additional Drivers window and the bullet points work now, though the window still reports the card as "Unknown", which is unlike what the person you've linked has. But hey, the card seems like it'll work fine. Thanks everyone!